Chapter 14

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Alyx's POV

The restaurant I chose is one of the prettiest in LA and I know that Jenn will love it. She doesn't like it when things are too fancy so this is perfect for her. I just really hope that she'll like it cause I want this night to be perfect since she deserves the absolute best.

I reserved a table at 7 so I have about an hour to get ready and to pick her up. I don't think that I've ever been so nervous about a date. But that's because this isn't just a regular date, it's because it's Jenn.

And I don't want to ruin things between us by not giving her the best I can. But for now the first main problem is my outfit, I want to impress her. I know that she likes classy clothes and she loves it when I dress up for certain events so that's exactly what I'm going to do now.

I go through my closet untill I find the perfect thing to wear. A black pantalon with heels and a sexy blouse that shows a bit cleavage. 'It's flawless' I think. I am also debating about asking her to be my girlfriend.

I want to hold her hand when we're in public, I want to be able to call her mine. We can do silly things together like we always do but the most important thing is that I want to give her all the love that she deserves. 

I don't even have the words to describe how amazing she is. Jenn always puts other people first, expecially me which I highly appreciate. I don't know why we ignored our feelings for eachother so long. I mean at least a 1000 comments on every collab that we do are about our relationship.

So one thing that I'm really excited about is that if we do get together, that we can make a video and talk about it. I know that some of our fans have been waiting for years for it and so have we.

But that's not for now, tonight it's all about us and I'm super thrilled to finally have this date with the girl of my dreams. I get my keys and all the essentials before I leave to pick her up.

10 minutes later I pull up at her appartement and before I get out of my car I take a moment to calm down. My heart is racing like crazy because even though I've known her for years, she still has the ability to make me so damn nervous.

'Come on Alyx, you've got this' I try to encourage myself and I step out of my car to her door. I ring the bell and this moment feels like forever even though it only takes her about 15 seconds to open her door.

The moment our eyes meet feels so intimate. We both know what this night could do to our relationship and that's why she looks equally as nervous as me. "Hey" she shyly says and that's when I take the moment to see how she looks.

Her blond hair has been straightened and it matches perfectly with her outfit. Now she's wearing a beige jumpsuit with nude heels and that topped off with her light amount of make up is just breathtaking. 

"You look beautiful" I say now more confident as she's clearly looking me up and down. She doesn't answer at first so I cough making her look up again making her blush since I caught her checking me out.

"You look gorgeous aswell" she responds appreciatively, she then takes my hand so we can get in the car. Once we get in the car, our usual behaviour returns as we're singing along to songs on the radio.

I love the fact that we can still be goofy around eachother and that our usual jokes didn't go away. So it's like having a relationship with your best friend and I absolutely love it. 

"Are you ready to go my lady?" I ask Jenn to which she eagerly nods and she grabs my hand once more making me smile. She intertwines our fingers and takes my hand in her lap.

We drive around 20 minutes till we arrive at the restaurant. When Jenn sees where we are she gets very excited. "Omg Alyx I've heard so much about this place. How did you get us a table so soon? It's always completely packed?" she asks in shock.

"Well I'm very well known around here so I know some people." I joke making her giggle but my first mission is already accomplished since she loves this place. We get out of the car and I open the door of the restaurant for her making Jenn blush and thank me.

"Table for 2 on Weiss" I say to the waitress as she leads us to a secluded table in the corner. Once we sit down she immediately grabs the menu to look at the food. "All these dishes look so amazing holy shit. How am I ever going to choose?" she says, being overdramatic.

An hour later our food arrives as we enroll into an easy conversation. We both ordered pasta and it looks and smells delicious. When Jenn takes a first bite she quietly moans because of the flavour. "That's the sound you'll be making tonight" I joke making her almost choke on the food.

"Alyx, people can hear us" she laughs but it clear that she isn't really bothered by it. "Hey, did you open the package that Jack and Ricky left us in your apparement?" I ask and Jenn immediately starts blushing like crazy.

"Omg what is it?" I ask enthousiastly. "Euhm well it was something dirty just like you thought" she reponds but she's obviously avoiding my question. "Come on what is it, how bad can it be?" I try to lighten the situation. 

"Well they literally left us a toy" she says very vaguely making me even more curious. "Like what? A vibrator?" I ask to which she replies "partly" making me confused now. "A dildo then? Jenn just tell me" I try to convince her. 

"It's a strap-on okay" Jenn says a little too loud cause I can see a few turning heads in the corner of my eye making me laugh. "They are so suddle" I joke and she laughs with me. We continue our dinner and half an hour later we're done.

After a little argument that I was going to pay, we eventually leave to my car where Jenn drives to her final destination. 

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