"I know," Gerard sighed guiltily, running a hand through his hair.

"You should also talk to Frank. I'm sure he knows more about himself than the internet."

Gerard nodded, "But how do I know he hasn't already had his heat?"

Brendon chuckled, "You'll know."

"Have you noticed that you're no help?" Gerard complained.

"I just want you to find out some things on your own, man. You need to call me once he does start, it's a rough thing to go through for the first time and nothing you read is going to prepare you." Brendon said.

"You're not making this any less frightening."

"I'm not here to water things down for you, Gerard. I gotta go, Ryans home alone, he's probably crying or something it's been almost an hour." Brendon said. "You'll notice small things change, it won't be a huge surprise. Keep and eye on his appetite and things like that, subtle changes are important."

"Fine." Gerard said with crossed arms. He suppressed the urge to tell Brendon to shut up if he was going to continue being so vague and subsequently confusing.

"You're such a baby, I'll talk to you soon. You're gonna get through this it's not impossible, I did it."

"Whatever, leave, I've got research to do apparently." Gerard said shoeing his friend to the door.

Once Brendon was gone Gerard went straight upstairs, only noticing then that Violetta never came back to inform him how Frank was. His mind automatically went straight to the worst things possible.

His bedroom door was still cracked, just a little more than he left it. The closer he came to the door the more audible the voices inside were, one of them obviously belonged to Bert and the other to Frank, soft and timid. Gerard convinced himself not to be a child and listen to their conversations like he wanted to and instead let himself into the room. When he entered Bert's voice hushed, leaving the only noise to he Frank cheerful giggle caused by whatever Bert had whispered to him last. Frank was now awake, obviously, sitting up in the bed close enough to Bert, who had pulled over a chair, to make Gerard's skin crawl.

"I see you're awake." Gerard commented.

Frank smiled and Bert rolled his eyes.

"You left." Frank said with a little pout.

"So I came to keep him company." Bert spoke before Gerard could. His arm wrapped around Frank's waist and pulled him closer.

"That was nice of you." Gerard said maturely instead of staying the things he wanted to say to the authority-defying teen. "You do have actual work to do, unfortunately."

Frank frowned and leaned his head on Bert's shoulder.

"Aww, I'll be back, kitten." Bert cooed, petting Frank's ears.

Gerard's blood boiled at Berts words and he chewed the inside of his mouth to keep his words in.

Bert said his goodbyes to Frank and left the room, "I'll need to speak to you later." Gerard said catching Bert by the shoulder as he walked by.

"Yeah, okay." He replied with a laugh.

Gerard ignored his reply and walked past him.
Frank sat on the left side of the whyoming king sized bed, looking especially tiny. Gerard took his place in the bed right next to Frank and pulled they boy into his lap. Frank immediately snuggled into his chest.

"So, what did you and Bert talk about?" Gerard asked petting over Frank hair and ears.  It was probably prying into his personal life but Gerard couldn't care less.

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