Rough Night

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I have been married to 14 handsome men for 5 weeks now and I can walk on my own it's a struggle at times because the muscle is still a little weak but with the Physical Therapy I have been put on it won't be long before I can do it with ease again

It's also makes have sex much easier now , Raven and I have made it to four rooms so far in just this week alone

I have worked on my classes during the day when the guys head out to work I do have Kota and Victor help me with the Math

Right now I am in the kitchen fixing dinner for all of us because I can, I was fixing a huge salad , Lasagna 5 pans of it , garlic bread and for dessert I fixed a trifle of strawberries, blueberries with pound cake and vanilla pudding all layered in the bowl  with Whip Cream on top to which I had to blush when I was putting it on the top because of what Sean and I did one night with the whip cream it was messy but a lot of fun especially the clean up in the shower

I will say this Kitchen is one of the best to cook in it has four ovens , two dishwasher , two refrigerators now the laundry room has four washers and dryers and a huge counter to fold laundry on

Setting the timer I go and sit down on the couch and put my laptop on my lap Bear comes over and snuggled beside me as I worked on my homework for this week I wanted to finish it before the guys got home so we Would have the weekend to do whatever we wanted I know I have a Date with Brandon tomorrow night , We have to plan our  date nights together since there is 14 of them and only one of me now I know it doesn't sound very romantic but it's necessary and we do all have spur of the moment times that leave me breathless and so satisfied

As I am working on my homework I hear the front door open and three voices , Bear pops his head up listens then lays back down
Kota, Axel and Victor are home

" Mmm it smells delicious in here " Victor Says

" Yes it does Princess you cooking for us again"

" Yes Papi I did it will be ready in an hour " I tell them

" Good I have time to shower " Kota says as he is currently standing in front of me in his basketball shorts and a no shirt
He leans down and kisses me then heads up to shower

I hear the other two in the kitchen
" Princess you need anything "
" A leg massage " I reply
" is it bothering you "
" Yes Prince it is but only because I was on it for so long getting dinner together it will lessen I took Tylenol for it about a half hour ago "

" Well let me rub it , Bear move "Victor says to him
Bear lifts his head looks at Victor then lays his head back down
I laugh
" Alright Bear Get down and go see if you find the rabbit " I tell him , his ears perk up then gets up and runs through the house looking for his toy rabbit

" That should keep him busy for ten minutes " I say with a laugh

Victor sits down and rubs my leg gently working the muscle just like the Physical Therapist taught all of them
I let out a soft moan in delight I love getting massages from them and Victors fingers are slender and long they seem always dance along my skin like he's playing the piano

" God I love your moans "
" Mmm and I love your touch " I say
He lifted the laptop off my lap then pulled me into his I was now straddling him facing him
Our eyes meet
He grips my head and hair pulling me to him our lips meet

The dance of our tongues starts off slow then begins to build

" Damn there is nothing sexier than seeing her straddling one of us " Kota says to Axel
" I will agree with that " Axel replies

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