Chapter 5 ~ Unfortunate weather, Fortunate boy

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Author's note:

Hey guysss :) here's another one for you,

Hope you like it!

~ Livy x


Before the pair had reached the hide out in the back of town, the grey and gloomy clouds had finally decided to rain, drowning the town in heavy showers. Olivia and Dodger rushed home slipping and sliding as they hurried to get out of the wet weather and find warmth. As soon as they entered the dimly lit hideout, they heard gasps from the group of Boys all sat around the living room/ dining room area before they laughed and pointed at the pair.

Dodger grumbled to himself and he ignored them and took of his drenched boots whilst Olivia flipped them off and walked off to her room, dying to get into a clean pair of clothes.

As she was looking through her chest of draws, she came across the realisation that the only clothes she had here were the few pairs of riding trousers and corset tops and a few night gowns. Shaking her head and sighing, she pondered on what to do before she smirked as an idea popped into her head.


Softly closing her bedroom door behind her, she giggled to herself as she looked down at herself. She had changed her black stockings to a white dry pair, her legs were bare and slightly cold but was feeling all warm and snug after pinching one of Dodger's fluffy night sweaters. It was clearly oversized for her and covered the top half of her thighs proving perfect warmth. Olivia untied her plants and dried her hair using a towel and brushed through it with her fingers, detangling it and deciding to leave it down and fluffy.

Climbing onto her upstairs area using the creaky wooden ladder, she crawled over to the pile of old various books and sat cross legged on the centre of the rug with her favourite book on her lap, "The magic wishing chair" by Enid Blyton (I'm aware...

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Climbing onto her upstairs area using the creaky wooden ladder, she crawled over to the pile of old various books and sat cross legged on the centre of the rug with her favourite book on her lap, "The magic wishing chair" by Enid Blyton (I'm aware this author hadn't wrote these yet in the time that Oliver twist is set but for the sake of old classic books and an amazing author we can honour her here :))

Contently reading, she must've lost track of time as not long later a sharp knock startled her from her peaceful trance.

"'Come innnn!", she called ducking her head back into her book.

The door slowly opened and closed softly behind them. Without hesitation, the said person climbed up the ladder and sat cross legged opposite Olivia causing her to lift her head out the book, smiling once her eyed met theirs.

She reached out and cheekily grabbed his top hat, placing it on her head.

She was expecting him to get annoyed and grab it back but he simply smiled and shook his head, ruffling his hair to fix it. Little did Olivia know, Dodger thought she looked cute with it and wouldn't mind her stealing it everyday. It was then that he realised she was wearing his night sweater. He took a moment to admire how it hugged her figure and how she had rolled up the sleeves as it was too long. He couldn't help the thoughts that screamed out how adorable she looked, all snug in his oversized clothes.
"Stealing ma clothes now are ya?"
She giggled as she shrugged her shoulders and avoided the question causing Dodger to chuckle and shake his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2019 ⏰

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Lady Shadow (The Artful Dodger love story) ~ 2005 Oliver TwistWhere stories live. Discover now