Chapter 3 ~ "Little Sass Diva"

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Before you start reading, I just wanted to say a big Thankyou to everyone that responded to the recent post. I really needed help with this. I've got loads of ideas now that will hopefully keep you guys entertained. I think I've replied to every idea and I will be using every single one as they truly were creative and I'd be happy to write them. Like I said, not all will be in this chapter but all ideas will be used I promise.

The ideas I'm using in this chapter were created by,



For some reason it's not letting me tag them :( so for this shout out you're gonna have to type in their usernames.

Both ideas were brilliant, I cant wait to include them in this chapter.

If anyone has any more ideas feel free to pop up and tell me, I'm sure I'll love them.

Thankyou very much & enjoy this chapter!

~Livy x


*Olivia's POV*

As I munched on my slightly burnt and mouldy sausage, I glanced around the room.Too my surprise, none of the other boys seemed bothered about the hardly edible dinner. I tried my hardest to keep the disgust off my face but every time I took a bite, I felt like spiting it out. The texture made me wonder whether this was supposed to go into our bodies or if it was supposed to come out our bodies (If you get what I mean). Finally, I'd had enough.

"Where did ya get these sausages from? They taste like you fished em out the gutter!"

A few boys giggled at my outburst whilst others shrugged, clearly not knowing nor caring what they shoved into their mouths. A boy with blonde/brown shaggy hair and a red hat answered just before Dodger could.

"Actually, we swiped em from the butchers cart just down the street. Most of us find it 'ard to get a decent meal that feeds all of us. We don't complain about the food we eat, we appreciate it!"

The boy retorted, glaring slightly towards me. My eyes widened in shock, before it turned into a glare. I leant forward in my chair, my lips forming into a sneer. By the look on his face, I looked intimidating.

"Don't you dare try and act like I don't know what its like. I've been struggling to get just a little bite of food since I can remember. I've had to fend for myself whilst you lot 'ave each other to lean on. I appreciate every thing that comes my way. You lot could 'ave at least swiped food that was edible. Look! this sausage has bloody green mould inside! If the food doesn't look edible don't steal it, That's all I'm saying."

The boy smirked and leant back in his chair kicking his legs up to rest his feet on the table, his hands resting behind his head.

"Someone's a little defensive ay?"

"I don't like being called ungrateful and unappreciative.", I retorted, clicking my fingers in a sassy way. A few boys giggled whilst the younger ones tried to copy the finger-clicking. This caused Charley's smirk to widen to a grin.

"Oooo! Ent someone a little sass Diva."

"You best believe it hun." , I smirked crossing my arms.

He chuckled and took his feet off the table before leaning forward for a handshake,

"Charley Bates, I'm sure we'll get along just fine."

Lady Shadow (The Artful Dodger love story) ~ 2005 Oliver TwistWhere stories live. Discover now