Chapter 4 ~ Take a lil trip

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Ladies and gentlemen, here is the next chapter you guys have been wanting for so long!

~Livy x


Narrator's POV:

Shivering and slightly disorientated, Olivia woke feeling completely out of place. The fluffy yet scratchy blankets provided plenty of comfort, perfect compared to the hay stacks she used to lay upon. The gentle sway of the hammock helped rock her to sleep every time she woke up in the night. However, the cold managed to sweep through the poorly placed window instantly shattering the feeling of warmth in the room. The drowsy weather and clouded skies made Olivia hurry to rush to the bathroom to get ready and seek warmth.

After brushing her teeth and using the toilet, she waddled over to the big chest to the left of the room, now feeling more awake and alert. After awhile of picking and dropping up outfits, she finally decided on a short sleeved corset top with laced up at the front, followed by skinny ridding pants which laced up around the things. Not forgetting her ice cold feet, she placed warm and comfy black stockings on before rolling them down to cushion her ankles.
Digging further into the chest she pulled out the slightly used hair brush and began brushing through her long and brown waves before gently and securely plaiting her hair into french plaits which ended up with two neat buns at the top of each side of her head. Whilst getting ready, Olivia thought back to the events of yesterday , well more specifically last night where she had some how grew enough courage to kiss Dodger on the cheek! She blushed slightly at the thought and the feeling she'd felt during that moment but quickly shook it of once Thinking of today. Would it be awkward? Why did she do it!? What if it bothered him? Olivia mentally facepalmed as she thought what a fool she was to be so forward! And yet she pondered on what had drove her to do so, she was confused as to what she was feeling and had tried to distance herself but failed massively when she had felt alone.

 Would it be awkward? Why did she do it!? What if it bothered him? Olivia mentally facepalmed as she thought what a fool she was to be so forward! And yet she pondered on what had drove her to do so, she was confused as to what she was feeling and...

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

( Hair and outfit)!!

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

( Hair and outfit)!!

Once finishing her look, Olivia decided to adventure without her hat today due to her hairstyle and not planning on going out in that dreadful weather. Creeping towards the door, she opened the door slowly and quietly, sneaking down the hall and entering the kitchen/dining area. Upon entering the large area, she was surprised to see only two boys in the room. A blonde, messy haired boy lay on a love-seat sofa on his back, arms and legs spread out as he slept soundlessly, on the mouldy rug below him sat Emmitt Brown doodling in an old notebook peacefully.

Olivia smiled to herself as she approached the young boy, kneeling down beside him and his drawings. The young chap looked up and smiled brightly once noticing Olivia and grabbed her hand tightly, intertwining their fingers in a friendly manner.

"" Olivia! Look look what I've drawn!"", he exclaimed, eyed shining with excitement as he continuously pointed to his scribbles. Olivia giggled and ruffled his hair slightly

"' Oh wow... its beautiful Emmitt. May I ask... what it is?"", she asked sheepishly feeling bad for not quite seeing the picture behind the scribbles. Emmitt only giggled and began rambling about each little squiggle and line, Olivia just nodding along chuckling at his enthusiasm.

Not long after, Dodger wandered into the room looking slightly chipper than usual, his normal grumpy frown being replaced with a small smile. Olivia looked up and couldn't help the small smile that etched its way onto her face as he eyed met his. Dodger's smile widened a little before glancing down at the young lad who was clung to Olivia's side still rambling. Dodger chuckled slightly as he noticed how clingy and attached Emmitt had grown to Olivia in the space of one day.

"' Emmitt! Come 'ere and get in ya bath you stinky lil thing"" , yelled Fagin from the other room causing the young boy to giggle slightly and get up rushing out of the room not before turning and waving at the pair who in return, smiled and waved.

Olivia slowly got up, dusting herself off and fixing her outfit as Dodger walked closer, until he stood not too far from her. She looked up and smiled shyly and she thought back to the moments last night but quickly shook the thoughts from her head. Dodger tilted his head to the side slightly as he watched her with thoughtful eyed. Olivia ducked her head before pulling a few loose strands of hair behind her ear.

"' w-what ya gazing at boy?''' Olivia stuttered trying to hide her blush. Dodger shook his head as if trying to get rid of hid thoughts. He nervously cleared his throat before smiling and looking at Olivia.

" its just... I-... you look different without your 'at on, I can see your face better."

Olivia blushed and cleared her throat and dodger smirked at her clear embarrassment before changing the subject.

" I was wondering if ya wanted to go n grab a bite to eat, we 'avent since last night n there ent no much food 'err.", he invited kindly.

" I don't see why not." she shrugged.

Holding his arm out to her, " you ready to go now?"

Olivia grinned as she looped her arm with his nodding, " lead the way my kind Dodge."

Time Skippyyyy

"Woahhhh!", Olivia gasped as she felt Dodger grab a hold of her arm and yank her back onto the pavement, watching in bewilderment as a black horse and carriage came speeding round the corner.

"Oi! Watch where you're bloody going ya stupid goons!" yelled Dodger, fist shaking in the air and eyed blazing with anger at them nearly hitting Olivia. He turned his head to look at Olivia and his eyed immediately softened once seeing the sad and disappointed look painted on her sun-kissed face.

" Shadow, you alright? Are you hurt?" he questioned his hand still holding onto her arm but with a loosened soft touch.

"m-my icecream...." she looked to the ground with a gloomy expression. Dodger looked down and noticed the mashed up icecream which lay on the pavement. Dodger couldn't help the smile that etched onto his face as she looked up at him with big sad eyes before a small smirk made its say onto her face as she gave up her childish act.

"'ere, you can 'ave mine." Dodger passed it to her grinning as her eyed lit her with excitement. She turned suddenly and buried her face in his chest and wrapped her free arm around his waist.

"'' Awwww Dodge! Ain't you a lil softie." she grinned looking up at him.

Dodger wrapped his arms around her after a moment and grumbled, "oh shush before I take it off ya." She laughed before pulling herself out of the hug and continuing their walk around the city. Dodger hadn't let go of her arm but felt a surge of confidence as his hand slid down, his pinky finger wrapping around hers gently, her returning the hold without hesitating.

 Dodger hadn't let go of her arm but felt a surge of confidence as his hand slid down, his pinky finger wrapping around hers gently, her returning the hold without hesitating

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Together they walked back to the hideout, wondering what they had missed on their mini trip out...

I'm sorry it's so short I just wanted to give you something after such a long wait, I'm working on the next chapter already so don't worry the wait won't be too long.
Thankyou for reading, leave any thoughts etc in the comments
~Livy :3

Lady Shadow (The Artful Dodger love story) ~ 2005 Oliver TwistUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum