"She went out with some friends." He said.

"Oh ok. I thought she was in trouble." I said sheepishly.

I heard the front door open and a couple people come in. I turned to face Evva and three other girls.

"Evander you told us you thought boys were gross." Red hair said.

"I do." Evva said.

"Evva who's your friends?" I asked.

"We're her best friends." Brunette said.

"But we're best friends?" I said.

"Why would she want to be best friends with you?" Black said.

"I uh." I stammered.

"Dad, make him leave." Evva said begging her father.

I looked at Evva in disbelief. Why didn't she stand up for me? I would stand up for her. I walked out the door angry. I turned around to face Evva.

"We're not friends anymore." She said before shutting the door.

I bolted to my house and cried for days.

End Flashback.

I still remember that like I remember our songs' lyrics.

"Well I've got to go babe." Army guy said.

"Already." Evva wait no Evander said.

"I'm going to miss you." He said.

"I'm going to miss you too." Evander said.

"I love you." He said. I winced.

"I love you too." She said. I winced again.

Army guy walked away and Evander grabbed her stuff and bolted towards the house. We slowly followed her.

(A/N: Sorry about the time skip.)

_____________________________________________4 days later_____________________________________________________________________

~Evander's P.O.V~

I locked myself in my room four days ago ever since Jake left. I walked in to my kitchen and made myself a caramel smoothie. Mmm I love smoothies. I'm starting to pack now so I don't have to do it tomorrow. I chose five pairs of high heels, five cute dresses, five skirts, fifteen t-shirts, five leggings, five jeans, ten jeans, five sweatpants, a couple crop-tops, two sneakers, five vans, five converses, two other shoes, fifteen jackets and jumpers. Ooh and my favourite uggies. I grabbed my old jewelry box and put that in a suitcase. I chose an outfit for tomorrow and put the rest of the clothes in to a big bag. The bag can go to charity. I love giving things to charity.

Knock. Knock

"Evander. We're leaving today for some reason." Louis said.

I walked up to the door and opened the door, still sipping my milkshake. I raised my eyebrows at Louis.

"Why are we leaving earlier?" I asked.

"Simon wanted you to say goodbye to your room mates and Harry wants to meet your room mate. He is such a flirt." Louis said, "Now where did you get that milkshake?"

"I'm always prepared." I said closing the door.

Ooh I have one more suitcase. FOOD! I ran in to my kitchen and grabbed everything I could fit in the suitcase. I had a portable fairy floss machine, milkshake machine and chips thingy. The rest of the suitcase had food or junk food. I changed in to the clothes for tomorrow and chucked my other clothes in to the bag. I grabbed my bag, which contained my laptop, iPad and iPod and dragged my suitcases out. I pushed them down the stairs because I'm lazy. I grabbed the big bag of clothes and dragged it down stairs.

"Six?" Louis asked.

"I'm a lady." I said.

"What's the big bag for?" He asked.

"Charity, I'm never going to wear them so people should have them." I said.

"The bus is out the front." He said.

"Ok." I said.

I dragged my bags out to the front, refusing to let Louis take my bags. I put all my suitcases besides my food one in the storage under the bus. I grabbed my food suitcase and bag and got on to the bus. I put my suitcase in a compartment next to the bunks. All of them were empty so I claimed one of the middle ones by putting my bag there.. I continue to sip my smoothie when I sat down on the couch. I turned the t.v to Peppa Pig. I love this show. I wrapped a blanket around myself and continued to watch the t.v. The door opened but I love this show too much.

"Peppa Pig?" Harry asked me.

"Shut up, it's amazing." I said.

"It's a children show." He said.

"PEPPA PIG!" Louis shouted joining us.

"Ugh." Harry said.

"SHUT UP HARRY!" Louis yelled.

I felt the bus start to move so we're off to my home. I think Harry thinks that I live with girls; he is going to get a big surprise.

"HOME!" I shouted jumping around.

"Calm down Evs." Liam said. 

"I miss my family." I said.

I ran to the back of the bus and grabbed some lollies out of my suitcase. I sat in my bed eating the lollies when the bus stopped. I got out of the bunk and looked out of the window. We're here; I bursted out of the bus and bolted inside the orphanage.

"MAMA'S HOME!" I shouted.

"EVS." I heard someone shouted.

In a matter of seconds I was rugby tackled by five or six guys. Muddy guys. I hugged the ones I could.

"I missed you." Caleb said.

"Hay I missed her too." Ron said.

"I missed all of you guys." I said.

"NAWWWWWW!" Lockie said. He is gay.

"Someone helps mwah up." I asked.

Ten people helped me up from the ground. I don't weigh that much. Do I? Who cares? I missed this place so much!!!

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