Edith hated Lex ever since what he said to her at the party.

"So you think it's about rich and poor? You ain't been in America long enough." Willie shook his head, chewing on his toothpick.

"Totally true, I just wonder if things will ever get better." Petra said, looking between Maria and Marcus.

"Thinking about the futures a luxury for rich kids." Billy said.

He looked over to Edith. Everyone knew she had money. She was born into it, but she refused to take any of the money that her Papa sent her.

"I just get through the day."

"Yeah, we were so sort of expecting that from you Marcy." Maria said, Edith nearly gagged at the nickname. "Come on Billy, you've got to have some goals, just one thing you want to be great at."

"Can't make it to the top of the ladder unless your a sociopath." Billy stated lighting a cigarette.

"Why's that?" Maria questioned.

"Because the ladders made of humans." Billy responded, making everyone chuckle.

"Got a minute?" Saya questioned Marcus. She looked to Edith. "You too." Everyone looked between the two who followed Saya.

"What is it?" Marcus questioned, his hand instinctively resting on the small of Edith's back.

"Someone killed one of my crew last night." Saya said, Edith furrowed her brows. "It has to be fuckface."

"That's impossible, how would he even know-"

"How does he even know anything about any of us?" Saya cut off Marcus.

Maria watched from where she was sat, jealously. Willie noticed Marcus hand on the small of Edith's back, he wanted to distract Maria but as he was going to say something she stood up.

"It's the only thing that makes any sense."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt a quality moment between you and my boyfriend." Maria said, Marcus dropped his hand from Edith's back.

"I was just giving him some archery tips. Like duck." Saya said walking away, she stayed on the rooftop and saw everything that happened. She wanted to make sure that Edith would be okay.

Maria glared over to Edith.

"I have to talk to you." Maria pulled Marcus away from Edith.

Willie walked over to Edith, looking in the direction of where Marcus and Maria disappeared.

"What's going on?" He questioned.

"One of Saya's crew was murdered." Edith whispered, so the others wouldn't hear. "Get Saya over here."

"Saya!" Willie motioned for her to come over.

"What's going on?" He repeated as if Edith hadn't told him.

"Yukio was murdered last night." Saya responded.

"Agh. What the fucks going on around here? You okay?" He questioned Saya.

"I'm fine." Saya responded.

Edith tried to comfort the girl, but she wasn't sure what to do, so she just patted her shoulder, awkwardly.

"But when I find out who did it-"

"Fine? You ain't always gotta keep the guard up Saya." Willie told the girl.

"Coming from you? Or Edith?" Saya fired back. "When was the last time either of you said an honest thing to anyone?" Willie didn't responded, he just stood there.

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