Chapter Twenty-Four- An Unexpected Surprise.

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I woke up with a fright.

"Its okay, its okay, he's no where near you, I'm here its okay" Tyde said while rubbing my back, while I tried to control my breathing

"Aw I love you" I replied

"Love you too" Tyde said and kissed me. My phone bleeped and Tyde checked it for me.

"Its Steven" he said and passed it to me

"Really!?" I shot right up

"Hey take it easy beautiful" Tyde said

"I know, I just really want to know whas happenong" I replied relaxing


Steven: We called the police last night and long story short Adam is going to court to see if he goes to jail or not.

Me: Are we allowed to go?

Steven: Well we kinda have to.

Me: Oh right, when should I come home?

Steven: Anytime, you want but just to keep you safe I want you to stay with Tyde tonight in case he does something

Me: I don't mind that, thanks

Steven: For what?

Me: For everything :)

"Whats happening?" Tyde asked

"He's going to court" I replied

"Good, cause then the monster can go to jail"


"Do you want to get something to eat?" Tyde asked

"Should we get it takeaway and get some for mum and Steven as well" I answered

"Of course" Tyde replied and then both went to get ready, I went to do my normal make-up with winged eyeliner and then I went to look through my bag to see what I chucked in there, in the end I went with a white skater skirt, with a light pink bra top thingy and a light black cardigain with flowes all over it and a flower crown and ,y converse, now to contain this birds nest well it was already contained just needed a god brush, once I brushed my hair I took like 100 selfies before chosing one of them to go on instagram.

"Where do you wanna go?" Tyde asked

"Somewhere where the food taste good and and you can take it away" I laughed

"The cafe it is" Tyde laughed with me, I havem't been to the cafe in ages, the last time I went there was when I talked to Nicole so actually not that long agao, I guess. We arrived at the cafe, Tydes hand in mine and looked at a menu, with my head rested on his shouler.

"What should we get?" I asked

"Hmmm" Tyde replied, obviously thinking

"Well oancakes of course, oh and waffles" I said

"Yes waffles" Tyde agreeded whispered, Da fuq.

"What about OMG PIZZA!" I nearly screamed remembering we where inside the cafe.

"For brunch?" Tyde questioned

"YOLO" I replied

"Well okay then" Tyde laughed

"Hi can I please get some pancakes, waffles and pizza" Tyde asked the cashier man

"Uh yeah sure dude" he slurred his words,"That'll come to $15.60" the man said

"I'l pay" I chripped in

"Rightous dude" the  man said, his name tag said Dash. Tyde tried to object but I said I owe it to him, he can't keep paying for me.

Fallen // Tyde-Levi FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora