Chapter Three- Mysterious Guy.

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I walked into my mums house, actually my house and stopped. There was someone sitting on the couch eating chips.

"Hi you must be Ally, I'm Steven" he said

"Hi uh... I hate to be rude but who is he?" I asked my mum.

"Uh well yes... we've been seeing each other for about the month and I was going to tell you on the phone last night but you seemed so upset I just pushed it aside. I hope you don't mind but hes staying for a week" my mum replied.

"Oh that explains it, so you two are playing sleepovers, I hope you're not sleeping in the same bed and if you are always remember protection" I giggled a bit to myself about the last bit, of course Steven laughed at my comment.

"Oh its great to have you back" my mum said as she pulled me in for a hug.

"Haha, its great to be back" my muffled voice replied.

"Now I hope you don't mind but I've planned a girly day with Ally" my mum said to Steven

"Oh not at all" Steven replied

"Okay but first can I take a nap, I've been up since 1 and I didn't get mcu sleep anyways" I say as I yawn.

"Sure love when do you want me to wake you up, so you can get ready?" my mum asked.

I checked my phone before repling " 12 if I don't already wake up, someone help me bring my luggage to my room please"

"I'll help you" Steven chripped in. We got my luggage up to my room. I said thank you to Steven before getting into bed, closing my eyes and instantly falling asleep.

I woke up and checked my phone 11:00 okay I have some time to get ready. I was wearing track pants and a baggy top, I really didn't care. I was only going on the plane and then home. I got up put on high-waisted denim shorts with a floral top and a black cardigain because it was summer. I went into the bathroom appiled my eyeliner and mascara, checked myself in the mirror before heading downstairs, to find my mum and Steven cuddling pn the couch ugh -.-

"Oh get a room you two *uurgh*" I said while pretending to throw up.

"We did until you came down" Steven said while smirking. What a smart guy.

"I see how it is Steven two can play this game, you'll regret saying that mark my words!" I tried to say seriously but eneded up laughing. "So mum where are we going or doing for our girls day out no boys what so ever" I carried on while smirking at Steven towards the end.

"Well I was thinking we could have some lunch and go shopping to get you some new stuff if you don't mind?" my mum replied.

"No anywhere is fine as long as I get to spend time with my mum"

"Of course darling nothing but the best for you!" my mum said as walking out the door with her keys and me following her with my purse.

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