Chapter Eleven- Boyfriend?

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I woke up at about 10 in the morning excited, I just couldn't get what surprise Tyde had for me to be honest, I was abit nervous too, I had no idea what he had planned. I went downstaris to get some breakfast. I decided on my normal fix, greek yoghurt with some berries and went into the lounge to watch Pretty Little Liars. I was alone because mum and Steven had to go to work today. Once I finished eating I rinsed my bowl and put it in the dishwasher. I went upstairs to get ready, first I did my normal make up but I winged the eyeliner this time, I'm getting pretty good at winged eyeliner so I do it more often now. I looked through my closet seeing what I can wear. After about 20 minutes I finally chose to wear some black high-waisted shorts with a top covered in minions tucked in and a black cardigain with my white high-top converse. I then had to take care of this birds nest (meaning my hair). I brushed it and then decided to just go for my natural hair style and curled it at the bottom once I was done I texted Tyde.


Me: When are you coming down?

*5 minutes later*

Tyde: Now so be ready x

My plams started to get a bit swaety I got sort of nervous, the more I thought about it the more sweaty my palms got.

*knock knock knock*

Oh my gosh theres Tyde calm down. I told myself before opening the door.

"Hi" I said.

"Hello, you ready?" Tyde replied.

"Yup, just let me lock up" I turned off the tv, grabbed my phone and purse then locked the door behind me as I walked out.

"lets go!" I said. "So where are we going?" I asked.

"As I said, its a surprise, but its not a big surprise the only thing I'll tell you is its at the park" Tyde replied. we arrived at the prk and sat down on a bench, at first we just wtched the other kids play, then Tyde spoke up.

Tydes POV-

My hands started getting sweary and my heart was pounding. At first we just watched the other kids play then I spoke up.

"You know from the first moment I set my eyes on you I thought you were beautiful" I started. "Over the time we've been friends we've gotten so close and I can trust you and that kiss yesterday it wasn't wrong, it just felt right. I like you Ally and I planned this day so it could just be me and you and I brought you to the park to ask you something" I paused, took a deep breathe. "Your the most beautiful girl I know, I wouldn't want anyone else but you so Ally..." I took another deep breathe. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.

Allys POV-

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Tyde asked. Wait. Did I just hear that right? I was so speechless all I could do was nod my head. As I nodded my head Tyde pulled me into a hug.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this" Tyde said. I was crying but I don't know why?

"Sorry" my muffled voice said, "I don't know hwy I'm crying" I carried on.

"It's alright" Tyde said while rubbing my back. Once I clamed down, I said "So was that the surprise?"

"Yeah pretty much, thats all I bascially planned, so if you want to do anything else just say" Tyde replied

"Do you wanna go to Starbucks" I laughed.

"Ally your so white" Tyde laughed.  We headed down to Starbucks, ordered our drinks and then sat down at a table. 


"Oops sorry I better get that its my mum" I said while my phone was ringing. "Hello" I answered. 

"Hi I'm on my lunch break do you want me to bring you something home, beofre I go back to work?" my mum asked. 

"No, I'm at Starbucks with Tyde, but thank you for asking" 

"Aw cute a little Starbucks date well okay thats all I wanted bye love you" I laughed "Bye love you too." After that we just walked around window shopping. I think I might come back one day to go shopping.

"It's your birthday soon, what do you want?" Tyde asked. 

"Oh you don't have to get me anything" I said. 

"Of course I do, it would be rude not to" Tyde replied while putting his arm around me. 

"Your too cute" I said while kissing him. 


Tyde was walking me home and we got to the door and I was abit sad because it was a great day. 

"Thank you for today, it was a great surprise" I said while hugging him. 

"No problem girlfriend" Tyde smirked and gave me a litele squeeze then let go. 

"See you tomorrow" Tyde said. 

"Yeah see you tomorrow" I kissed him then went inside and he left. 

(30 minutes later) 


"OMG NO! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME, YOUR THE BEST STEVEN!"  I replied while running downstairs. "Wheres mum?" I asked while taking a bite of pizza. 

"She texted me and said that she had to stay at work for a bit, she got held up, she'll be home soon" Steven said. 

"Ugh so I have to wait longer to tell her my news" 

"Ooh what news" 

"Well you know how I like Tyde..." I puased Steven nodded. "Today he asked me to be bis girlfriend and I said no" I said. 

"What! Ally! Are you kindding me!" Steven nearly screamed. 

"I was kidding of course I said yes" I laughed. 

"Oh few you got me there and thats great news! Catherine will be very excited" Steven smiled. 

"Yeah I know I can't wait until she gets home" I said. We finished eating the pizzas and then I went up to my room to make an update video since I haven't made one in ages. I set up my camera and pushed record. 

"Hello everyone, it's been awhile since I've filmed a video so I thought I would make and update video for all your beautiful faces. Okay well you'll probably notice that my background has changed, well about 2 months ago I moved to Perth to live with my mum and I'm about to get abit deep and personal so sorry if I cry its a very touchy subject for me. Well I haven't seen my mum in 5 years and my dad did some horrible stuff but I'm not going to boardcast any of it but yeah the only exciting news is that I've moved to Perth, so if any of you guys see me round don't be afraid to come and say hi, I love seeing you guys" I smiled "Oh and I'm going to try and upload more, so sorry that it has been so long since I've seen all your faces I've missed you guys, hows it been, how you guys going? I think I need a q&a video to catch up with you guys, what do you think? So thank you all for watching, give it a thumbs up if I should do a q&a for my next video, don't forget to subscribe so you can see when my next video is up, I love you all so so much and I shall see you soon hopefully, byeeee" I finished and uploaded my video to youtube and then tweeted it out, you could say I'm youtube famous, I wouldn't call it that but I have like 2,000 subscribers and still growing, it really is a privellge. I heard a door downstairs open and someone walk in. MUMS HOME! I ran downstairs to see my mum sitting on the couch. 

"Mum!" I almost yelled realising that I'm still inside. 

"Steven said you had some news to tell me" mum said. 

Yeah I do, you'll never guess what" 


"Me and Tyde are together!" I squeeled. 

"Oh my gosh darling, thats great news, I"m so excited for you aw you two are just so cute!" my mum squeeled too. After that I just went back upstairs to get read for bedbecase another day of school ugh, but thank god its Friday! I took off my make-up put on some sweat pants and a baggy top, got into bed and went to sleep, just re-living the moment that Tyde asked me to be his girlfriend. 

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