Chapter Fifteen- Ugh! Packing.

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Tydes POV-    

I woke up with a smile on my face I'm going to Playlist Lives with Ally, Nicole and Troye. All I had to do was pack some more things, that I haven't akready pkaed and then I'm done. (30 minutes later). I finished oacking and then checked my phone to see I had a message from Ally.



Me: I'll be over soon baby xo

I headed out the door to Allys checking fours times before crossing the road, getting hit by a car scares you. I arrived at Allys and walked in and saw Catherine in the kitchen.

"Hey Catherine" I said and sat down on the kitchen stool.

"Ooh Tyde! Didn't see you there you gave me a fright" she replied.

"Oops sorry" I laughed, "I'm just hear helping Ally finish her packing, she texted me" I carried on.

"TYDES HERE!"  I heard Ally yell and then rush downstairs I guess she heard us talking then, "Tydes good your here I really need your help with packing a few more outfits" Ally exclaimed and then dragged me upstairs to her rom.

'Wow" I said once I got to her door. Holy crap her room was a complete mess, clothes shoes everywhere.

"Yeah, I know. Thats why I need your help" Ally responed to my wow.

"Okay well what first?" I asked while sitting down on her bed.

"I need your help picking out outfits" she replied.

"Ooh what about this?" I said holding up a white dress.

"Yes and this cardigain! Tyde this is why I love you!" Ally said while grabbing the dress and cardigain.

"And what about this?" I said while holding up a grey top that saus 'I hate Mondays' on it.

"Yes and what to go with it?" Ally answered, while grabbing the top.

"These" I said while holding up a black flannel top and high-waisted denim shorts.

"Tyde you're a life saver" Ally said while putting everything into her suticase.

"And this is why you love me" I said while pulling her into a kiss, my hands around her waist and her hand around my neck and her fingers playing with my hair. The kiss was truely magical. We pulled apart and Allu put the last bit of her things in her suitcase.

"Done, thanks for helping me" Ally said.

"Your welcome" I said while pulling her in bed and grabbing her laptop.

"So are you excited?" I asked while putting in her password.

Allys POV-     

"So are you excited?" Tyde asked while putting in my password on my laptop.

"Uh yeah, I've never been out of the country before" I replied.


"Yeah" I laughed.

"Oh well this would be a good experince for you" Tyde said while picking a movie to watch. "So what movie then?" Tyde asked.

"Uhm, I don't mind, what movie do you wanna watch" I replied.

"I've always wanted to watch Lucy since it came out" he said, hoping for me to say yes.

"Yas same" I said, while Tyde got the movie ready.


We finished the movie and were just lying on my bed, while Tyde was playing with my fingers.

"hey, do you want to go shopping I want to get some facial stuff and I new summery bikini and some plane stuff" I asked.

"Sure and I need some plane stuff too" Tyde replied. "Lets go shopping!" Tyde exclaimed. We said bye to mum and Steven, then went to get our plane esstentials. We started with going to the supermarket and got some food for the plane we bascially got the same thing chips and lollies. We made our way down to take some little make-up esstentials, then we went made our way to the shops to see any bikinis that I liked. I saw Victoria Secret and squeeled.

"What?" Tyde asked, guessing he heard my squeel.

"Victoria Secret! I want to get a bikini from there, they'll be cute" I replied.

"Your already cute enough" he said, while grabbing my hand.

"Come on" I said while dragging him into the shop.

"Ooh what do you think about this?" Tyde said while holding up a strapless black bikini top with flowers all over them and matching bottoms. While I chose just a simple black and white strips halter neck top and matching bottoms

"Are you gay or something?" I replied.

"Yes, I'm sorry Ally I've been hiding this secret from you for a while and I think its time" he rolled your eyes and then carried on " of course not, I just imagine you in the things I pick for you" he laughed.

"Well, lets go try these on my little gay boy" I said ruffling his hair, then haeding down to the changing rooms. After looking at myself in both bikinis, I decided to get both of them.

Tydes POV-  

Ally came out of the changing room holding both bikinis in her hand with a smile plaatered on her face.

"So?" I questioned.

"I'm getting both" she said while making her way to the counter to buy them. I was a bit gutted that I didb't get to see Ally in her bikinis but I'll see them when we go to the beach or the pool, the hotel we're staying at has a pool. After that we looked around and brought some things and we looked around and brought some things and then we headed our sepearate ways to get ready for tomorrow.

"MUM I'M BACK!" I yelled while walking through the door.

"Oh hi love, didn't even notice you left" my mum replied.

"Oh yeah, Ally texted me because she didn't know what to pack so I helped and then we went shopping"

"Ooh fun, so are you excited for tomorrow?"

"Yes very"

"Great well dinners on the table get Troye and Sage please"

"TROYE SAGE DINNER" I yelled while going to the dinning table.

Allys POV-    

I just finished eating dinner and it was getting late so I thought that I would go to bed because I had to get up early for my flight to Florida. Before I nodded off to sleep I got a text from Tyde.


Tyde: Meet you at the airport at 6 okay. Have a good sleep night baby xo

Me: Yup, can't wait! Goodnight xo

Then I drifted off into a restless sleep.

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