Chapter 12- That's When I Love You

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•Kaden's POV•

Today was the day. I had everything planned out to perfection but hopefully it all goes accordingly. "Angel," I said in a soft voice in the hopes of waking her up. I didn't want to, really, because she looked so at peace when she sleeps.

It isn't that she is not at peace when she is awake, but I can still sense and see with her expressions that she's at war within herself about something. I would constantly notice her, when she would look at me, with her eyebrows furrowed and eyes distant, in a world far from reality as she thought deeply about something.

I always wondered what it was that she was thinking about. I wished I could see her thoughts and all else that went on within that head of hers. It would make things so much simpler and less complicated.

I could know whether or not she feels the same way as I do or whether I have been put where no other man wants to be placed. The friend zone.

But everything isn't that simple so I have to find out for myself. Although I am putting myself or more importantly my heart on the line, I know longer have a choice, for my own sake.

I repeated her name while I ran my fingers through her hair. She soon began to mumble something incoherent before her eyes flickered open to meet my own. She had a small pout on her lips because she had been woken up, probably too early for her liking.

"Morning," she mumbled, her voice slightly heavier since she just woke up. "What time is it?"

"7:30," I answered. She grumbled in response.

"Why am I even awake yet? It's so early and I need my beauty sleep, Kade."

"I've made some plans so we need to get going quickly and you are already beautiful enough so no more sleep," I reasoned.

She blushed at my last comment as she rather reluctantly pushed the covers off her and trudged towards the bathroom to shower. "You're buying me breakfast for this," she huffed.

I smirked, "anything for you, Angel."

"Uhh, where are we going first?"

"That is a surprise, if I told you, you will probably jump out of the car," I chuckled. The look of fear mixed with confusion was easily seen on her face. "Relax Angel, it's not too bad, just... something knew...different."

Clearly my words of reassurance where of no use as she still looked frightened. Soon we pulled up in front of a tattoo parlour. I had done my research last night and found this to be one of the best tattoo Parlours in the world, the artist to have known to have won multiple awards for his work.

Aurora's eyes nearly popped out of her head at the place before us. "T-tattoos? Oh no, no, no."

"I promise it is going to be fine, this guy is one of the best tattoo artists in the world. I'm getting another too."

"Another? But you don't have one," she questioned.

"Oh but I do, you just haven't paid much attention," I said although I was generally surprised that she hadn't notice the tattoo on the side of my torso. It was only two names, one below the other, however they were etched into my skin with such precision.

"Come on, it'll just be a small one."

Aurora looked anxious as she was seated in the chair, just moments away from getting her first tattoo done. I was sat next to her as she refused to go ahead with it all unless I was beside her.

The tattoo artist, Jonathan had drawn up a sketch of what I wanted the tattoo to look like so that there were no complications or issues with the final thing. The design, to say the least, is beautiful.

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