Chapter 7- Tonight You Belong To Me

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•Third Person POV•

Kaden made sure Aurora was securely seated behind him and his helmet on properly, protecting her.

Aurora was anxious to ride her most feared vehicle on the road and her anxiety increased when Lantana roared to life.

She instantly wrapped her arms tightly around Kaden's torso as he rode down a long smooth road towards the waterfront and a line of beautiful condos and apartments.

The sun was currently setting and stunning shades of pink, orange and purple painted the sky. Aurora feared to open her eyes afraid of the high speeds she could tell she was moving at.

The wind blew through their hair, causing a feeling of freedom to overtake them. "Angel, open your eyes," Kaden knew Aurora had her eyes squeezed shut even without looking at her, simply because he could read her like an open book.

"How did you know?" She asked curiously, her voice muffled from hiding her head in Kaden's back. Slowly she fluttered her eyes open and gasped to see the view of the most perfect sunset she had ever seen.

"Well Angel, you have a death grip around my stomach with your nails digging in to the side of me, and your head is pressed into my back. I'd say you are scared and have no intentions whatsoever of opening your eyes to be met with the unique Hawaiian sunset," he explained.

It was at that moment that Aurora realised how much attention and how well Kaden actually knew her. It was almost as though he could read her mind and tell exactly what was going on in the complicated mind of Aurora Dyana Karylia.

She didn't reply but instead slightly loosened her grip on him and watched the sunset. Before she knew it, Kaden had stopped in front of a gorgeous condo. It was two storeys high and had the perfect view as it was situated directly opposite the beach.

"Home sweet home," Kaden sighed in content upon seeing his condo. His condo is one of his most favourite places in the world to be since he felt so carefree and young just being there.

"This, this whole condo is for you?!" Aurora exclaimed in disbelief. How could one boy own one of the most amazing homes she had ever seen before.

"Yes Angel, my condo and Lantana are my two most treasured things in the world," he reasoned. "Shall we go in, I'll show you around and then we can chill for the night because I have so much to show you and many people for you to meet," he said with a growing excitement.

As said, Kaden gave Aurora a tour of the house and watched as she took in every detail there was. As amazing as the outside looked, it couldn't at all compare to the inside.

The inside of the house was different shades of greens and blues which symbolised the ocean. The carpets and ceilings were a pearly white colour, similar to that of the sand on the Hawaiian beaches.

While the condo had a modern and fancy look, at the same time it had a homey feeling as well. Vases full of beautiful artificial flowers were placed on every table or desk. Shells and surfboard with beautiful patterns decorated the walls.

The condo had only one bedroom with a bathroom and walk in wardrobe along with a movie room, spa and Jacuzzi and even had a music room and dance studio in addition to the usual rooms like the kitchen, living room and laundry.

Aurora was directed to Kaden's room to put their luggage in. It had a glass wall which gave off the perfect view of the ocean during the day and night. A slider door lead to a wooden balcony with a coffee table and two chairs.

"Woah, this is unbelievable!" Aurora gushed.

"Glad you like it, Aura. This is your new home for the next month," he said, glad that she had taken a liking to what she has seen so far in her short time in Hawaii.

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