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Emma Winston had just stepped out of the shower. It was 6:15 in the morning. Why had she woken up so early? Could she ever sleep in? It was a stupid nightmare. Always ending at the exact same part, and then she would wake up gasping for breath and very sweaty. It was normal for her to not go back to sleep after that.

She was out with her dad. They were getting ice cream. She was only fifteen at the time. Everything was going amazing and she was normal. She didn't even know what happened. She was holding hands with her dad one minute, and the next, he was laying on the ground bleeding out. Right in front of her. She didn't remember who even did it. She remembered they were wearing a very long brown leather coat. She remembered seeing long pointy ears and thinking that was weird. Other than that, they were there killing her father, then gone, before she could even scream.

At first, she was in a daze and shock. Then it really hit her. Ever since then she's been having nightmares and is basically outcasted at school except for a few people who still seem to care enough.

She quickly got dressed and went downstairs. She only had her mom left and she worked a lot as a nurse at the local hospital.

When she got downstairs she saw a note was written on the counter.

Had to work early,

be back late tonight.

I'm sorry I love you


It was always like this. Emma turned on the t.v. to the news while getting breakfast. She decided to just have cereal. There was nothing interesting on the news, so she finished up her breakfast, turned the t.v. off, grabbed her stuff, and left. She knew she was early but she loved the fall. The weather and how beautiful everything is. She always left early, so she could enjoy the calming feeling the weather gave her. . .

She took out her camera and started looking around for the perfect picture. By the time she looked at the clock, she knew she already had missed the bus. She ran almost all the way to school, knowing she was going to be late. 

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