chapter thirty-one

Start from the beginning

"Sorry sorry, Tomo didn't want to let me back out of bed once I brought her breakfast." Haruka rushed out as she hurried to sit down beside me, letting out one long sigh as Kuppuru moved to lie on my lap now that my laptop is sitting directly behind me. "She's clingy in the mornings so I should have guessed I wouldn't be let out of there for a while. Sorry for telling you I'd be right down..."

Kuppuru meowed in response for me as he looked up to her with those sparkling emerald green eyes of his. "I think he's saying it's okay," I said with a small laugh, petting the kind black cat while Haruka scratched just under his chin.

"I still can't believe he managed to get here to Okinawa- where does he even stay?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. He kind of just wanders around I guess? Kupuuru does what he wants and half the time pops up in my room at the most random of times. I don't get him at all."

"Well, at least we know he's doing alright and not left outside to freeze back at Saotome."


The pink haired girl beside me placed her hands behind her some and leaned back as she looked out to the glistening ocean that stretches on seemingly forever before us, a few boats seen far out over the horizon as the sun continues to rise higher into the cloud filled sky. "How's your song for Ren and Masato going?" She asked with a small smile dancing across her lips. "My song with Tomo and another idol student isn't going so well so hopefully you're is doing a whole lot better..."

I flicked my eyes to my friend for a moment. "You're struggling with your composition?" I asked.

Nodding, Haruka sighed. "Writing the duet is so hard since the only person I've really only composed for so far has been Tomochika. Now I have to try and write for this other idol student and he sings amazingly, it's just..."

"He's not Tomo-chan." I finished for her with a reassuring smile as I patted her thigh. "I get it. I'm having a lot of trouble with Ren and Masato's song right now so don't worry, I think all of us composers are equally struggling right about now."

"Why did they make this project so hard all of a sudden?" Haruka asked sadly. "It was bad enough having to write the duet in a month when we've never written one before, but now we have to write those two solo songs too and have all three of them finished before we leave Okinawa! That's not going to happen."

"I'm sure you'll figure something out Haruka, you're an amazing composer."

"Says you! You're so much better than me and even you're struggling... There's no hope for any of us if you're finding this to be a challenge."

I couldn't help but to laugh at that. "Don't go making me the benchmark for our assignments. If you put your mind to it, you can create a great composition for Tomo-chan and that other composer I just know it! We both can get through this so don't beat yourself up so much Haruka, you got just as much of a chance to become our graduating class's top composer as I do."

The cute girl sitting beside me smiled as she nodded. "Alright, if you think I can do this then I'll work just as hard as you to create something great!" She said happily.

"That's the spirit." I cheered as I threw an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to my side. "The two of us have to work hard for our idols! Otherwise, we'll never be good enough composers to make our dreams come true."

"I don't think I'll ever be able to write songs as amazing as the one I heard Hayato sing." Haruka murmured dreamily as we watched the waves of the ocean lap over one another. "But as long as I get to compose for Tomo, then, I'm happy. What's your dream ___?"

the idols race for love, are you ready? | book one | utapriWhere stories live. Discover now