"They were suppose to tear this thing down but decided against it and just took the water out." Veronica explained. We hung out there and chatted some more. Sean still hadn't really said anything and it kind of bothered me. Mostly because he was starring at me a lot. Rick was joining in on my conversation with Veronica and I could tell he was assessing her dead on. I was getting substantially drunk and almost thought nothing of the hand that was suddenly on my right knee.

Only did I notice that the hand was even there until I felt it run up my thigh. My breath hitched slightly. I felt the hand move closer to the inside of my thigh. It was sending tingly sensations through my body. And being drunk didn't really help my sensitivity. I knew I was turning red but I just didn't have the strength or motivation to do anything about the warm hand running up and down my thigh. I nearly jumped out of my skin when the hand lightly brushed against the semi-hard on that was forming in my pants.

Then suddenly I was pulled away from the hand and more towards Rick.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Rick growled at Sean. Sean looked blankly at him. His hand sitting in the place I was a few moments ago. My judgment was still a little clouded and I kind of wanted to just go to sleep now that I was sitting in Rick's lap from force of habit, but I knew enough to know that it had been Sean's hand that was groping my leg.

Veronica leaned over Sean. Wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She said. And she sounded way more drunk than she was ten minutes ago. "Was Sean being touchy? He does that sometimes when he gets drunk." She giggled.

Rick raised a brow, "Well maybe he should learn to not touch things that aren't his."

Veronica giggled again, "It's okay. Just chill out bro. I mean, look at Valentine and Jade. Sean's not as bad as them." I struggled a little to see Jade had Valentine pinned up against the metal wall of the tower and was making out heavily with her. With one of her hands up Valentine's shirt. "Really, you should have something to drink, Rick." Veronica said.

"No. No, I'm fine." He sighed. I could tell he was no longer comfortable with me sitting near Sean and completely pulled me onto his lap. I sat there and cooled down while Rick tried to keep himself in check. Rick was extremely protective of me after he found out how sensitive I was. He once bashed some older guys head in for bothering me. It was pretty scary and I asked him to never do that again unless it was absolutely necessary. "Sorry. I've just known Michael for a while and I'm very protective of him." Rick said.

"Aw, how cute." Veronica giggled. "Well, don't worry about Sean here. I won't let him go anywhere." She said and he faced her for like the first time since I got her. She smiled and kissed him. Sean seemed to barely register it and then started to stare off into the distance while Veronica cheered on her female friends making out.

We all got back into the car about half an hour later. It was almost three in the morning when Rick and I got back to my house. He decided to just stay over since there was really no point of him going home now. I immediately fell asleep when I hit the couch.

I woke up in my bed and I wasn't completely sure about what happened last night. All I knew was that I had a really hot dream about Liam last night and I had a ragging boner. I searched for my phone and found that I had received a text from Liam saying good morning and hoping that my night out was fun. I did that stupid smile again as the welcome feeling of butterflies in my stomach came back. I sat in bed and texted Liam for a while before there was a knock on my door frame. I looked away from my phone to fine Rick was still here.

"I made food." He said.

"Please tell me you didn't burn down half of my house." I said sitting up.

"Do you smell burning?" Rick said with a smirk.

He threw a pair of my sweat pants at me and then went back down stairs. I quickly put them on and went downstairs to find a simple toast, egg, and bacon breakfast. I only then realized the slight pounding headache I had. I guess texting Liam had distracted me from realizing that I had a bit of a hang over. Rick and I ate and then hung out for a bit. We played some video games and then he said that he had to go home because his sister was dropping off her kids at his house and he had to babysit while her and her husband go bang each other into next week in England.

I politely told him that I didn't need that image in my head and then walked him out of the house. He was still laughing at me as he got into his car.

"I'll try not to tell you so much information next time." He laughed. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah whatever." I said.

"And Michael," Rick started, "Be careful around that Sean guy, okay? He doesn't sit well with me." He said seriously. At the mention of that I remember that whole thing with Sean making that advance on me. Right. Avoid being alone with the one that does not speak. I nodded my head and then Rick was gone.

A/N: HMMMMM, Look at that. It's plot! Whoop~ I'm also very proud that this chapter was a decent size! Anyways, today we meet Veronica's boyfriend, Sean. He's a bit of a troublemaker. I also don't know if I actually want to make him speak. Probably not. lol. We also met head cheerleader Valentine and her friend that probably wants them to be more than friends Jade! Yay! Hope you enjoyed the chapter and the sexy motherfucker in the .gif is Rick <3 Played by Mathias Lauridsen.

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