"Didn't I tell you over and over not to slight the Uchiha?!" The first hokage exclaimed.

   "As you know, older brother." The second hokage answered. "The Uchiha are a clan possessed by evil!"

   Something snapped inside Kotomi. Stepping from behind Sasuke, she wanted to give the second hokage a piece of her mind. "Now listen here! Don't you dare call the Uchiha evil! Nobody bashes on my clan and gets away with it!"

   The second hokage was just staring at her. "They're still the same even to this today, I see."

   Kotomi clicked her tongue. "You're so-"

   "Imoto." Sasuke stopped her. He gave her a look like he was warning her to stop talking before she starts something. Letting out a sigh, Kotomi kept quiet, even though she would like say a few more things to the second hokage. Sasuke turned towards the second hokage. "Second, a question for you. What is it about the Uchiha Clan? What do you know?"

   The second hokage let out a sigh. He started explaining how the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan were once bitter enemies.

   "I know that already. What did you mean the Uchiha were possessed by evil?"

   The second hokage started explaining about the Uchiha's strength in jutsu and love. When an Uchiha loses someone they love, it's replaced by something even stronger than hate. When they feel agony over loss, or any other negative emotions they can feel, a unique chakra is released in their brain and reacts with the optic nerves to change the appearance in their eyes. The eyes reflect the heart after all. The sharingan.

   The second hokage's long explanation about the Uchiha's history of the sharingan was getting soaked in like a sponge in Kotomi's brain. Ironically learning this from a Senju, things started making more sense to her than it did before.

   "...Although if they self destructed for the sake of the village, then so be it. In the end, they were of use to the leaf village."

   "Tobirama!" The first hokage exclaimed. "You're speaking to an innocent Uchiha child!"

   Kotomi looked like she was trying to hold in her laughter. She knew her brother was far from being an innocent child. Putting her hands over her mouth, she was trying her best not to laugh in such a serious moment.

   Suigetsu arched an eyebrow. "Oi, Kotomi-chan? What's wrong?"

   Kotomi shook her head. "Nothing at all..."

   "First hokage." Sasuke spoke up. "I ask you this. What does it mean to be a village? And what does it mean to be a shinobi?" The first hokage was thinking to himself, thinking really hard about it. "I'll listen to your response, and find out the truth. And then I'll make my final decision whether to destroy Konoha or not."

   Kotomi swallowed at her brother's words. She hoped that in some way, the first hokage can sway him to not him have destroy the village. If Sasuke couldn't listen to his sister about it, and felt a little in denial with their older brother finally admitting it, this could be the key where Sasuke can finally make the call.

   The second hokage spoke up. "Vengeance against Konoha? You're a brat obsessed with the Uchiha evil! In that case, I'll..." A strong gust of wind appeared all around the room.

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