Chapter 9

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The News That Changed Everything

The now 10 year old Kotomi was training hard at the training grounds. Although she couldn't stand being compared to her brothers, it felt like she was really weak compared to them. When they were her age, they already could do so much. But with her? Still in the basics. She couldn't stay like this anymore.

Closing her eyes, Kotomi activated her sharingan. Kunais in her hand, she threw some that were heading for a target. She then threw another one, hitting the kunai that went towards a target at the other side of the area.

Seeing that she hit all the bull's eyes, Kotomi smiled proudly. "So far, so good!" She knew that doing this once wasn't enough. She had to practice over and over to the point where she can do it with her eyes closed. Taking out even more kunais, Kotomi started throwing them again to the remaining untouched targets.

Finished with training, Kotomi was walking around the village. She had to clear her head. Sasuke was the main thing on her mind, wondering if he was alright. She tried to talk with him again, but he's been brushing her off with training as of recently. It made her feel somewhat lonely.

Letting out a sigh, she heard someone call her name. "Kotomi-chan!"

Looking straight towards her, Kotomi saw Naruto walking with some man with thick white hair. He looked like a master of some sort.

Kotomi gave him a smile. "What's up, Naruto?"

Naruto had his hands behind his head. "I was about to get some Ichiraku Ramen before doing my special training! Wanna join?"

Kotomi nodded. "Sure!" Walking towards Naruto more, she stopped where she stood, bowing at the man next to him. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Kotomi."

The man gave her a smile. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Jiraiya. One of the legendary sannin."

Realization just popped into her head. No wonder he seemed familiar. "I've heard about you!"

Jiraiya looked flattered. "Really? It makes me happy to hear such a cute girl know about me."

Naruto looked irritated more than anything. "Knock it off, pervy sage!"

"What's the matter? Is that your girlfriend or something?"

"N-No! She's Sasuke's sister!"

Kotomi raised an eyebrow. "And what is that supposed to mean?"

At this point, Naruto looked at a loss, freaking out at the same time. "I didn't mean anything bad by it!"

Kotomi snorted. "I know, I'm just messing with you. Let's get some ramen."

Naruto was doing a little happy dance. "Oh boy! I'm starving!"


At Ichiraku Ramen, Naruto and Kotomi were slurping noodles in sync. Jiraiya couldn't help by stare, stunned that the two were eating in the same rhythm. "Do you two do this often or..?"

Naruto swallowed before answering. "Yup! Her and I have a ramen eating contest every now and then!"

Kotomi nodded. "I can confirm that." She paused for a moment. "So... What's this special training of yours?"

"I'm going to learn a new jutsu with pervy sage! I'm so excited!"

Jiraiya looked unamused. "Will you quit calling me that?"

Kotomi giggled. "Good luck with your training."

Naruto smiled at her. "Good luck with yours! I know you've been training a lot."

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