"What, you've got a problem with me getting things done now?" "Fine,, I'll just go back to being useless, and slacking off than!"

Merlin said pausing a minuet to look at the king, than continued whirling about the chambers Picking things up and tossing them about.

"Merlin."Started arthur. "This can hardly be considered getting things done"

Merlin was now before him dressing him quickly , he was fixing his collar when arthur noticed the dark circles around the young boys eyes. His hands were shaking and he was pasty, more than usual that was.

"Why haven't you been sleeping?" he said with a curious expression and a serious tone.

Merlin ignored him, still shakily fixing the king's neck collar. Arthur had to grab hold of his wrist to get merlin to look him in the eyes. He looked up and met Arthur's crystal blue gaze, his eyebrows raising slightly making that 'tell me' expression.

"What is wrong with you today acting all concerned and such?" he replied, and continued dressing the curious king.

"if I didn't know any better I'd say you were worried ." he said with a smirk.

"Ya...?" Answered the stubborn king. "Well then, it's a good thing you do know better isn't it?" He said clearing his throat and standing up straighter to let merlin do his work. "

"Yeah. I know your a clot pole." He mumbled clearly under his breath, bending down a bit finishing the last button on the kings vest, he looked up to meet Arthur's glare and laughed.

"There we are then!" continued the boy, stepping back a bit to admire his work.

"Is there anything else you need then Sire?" He said as he started for the door. Arthur span around quickly in order to follow his servant with his gaze.

"Merlin is there somewhere you need to be?" Just then there was a knock on the door. Merlin answered it hastily and revealed the handsome knight awaiting him.

"Right then , all ready I'm guessing. " he said Stealing a glance at arthur and his clean chambers.

"Ya , just in time" replied the servant as he began to shut the door.

"Merlin, where on earth are you going?" followed arthur.

"What? I finished my duties for now".... Arthur looked unconvinced.....
"I'll be back in a few hours" he continued

"Yes but where are you going?"

"We've got some thing to do!"

"Yes I can see that!" Replied the king, growing impatient.

Merlin was about to say something when Arthur cut him off.

"Lancelot a word please" he said nodding his head, eyes closed.

"Arthur wh... "Merlin." Lancelot stopped the boy. "I'll be there in a minuet" He nodded gesturing for the servant to continue.

"Thank you." said Arthur sarcastically looking at merlin. The boy just sighed giving arthur an annoyed look and continued down the hall.

"Now then." Began arthur clearing his throat a bit. "Kindly explain to me why my manservant has ,for once in his life, been so eager to accomplish his duties and run off with you lately? asked the king crossing his arms.

He cleared his throat again.

"Normally I wouldn't care what he does in his spare time but, in this case"....

..."Is Merlin alright?" he continued before the Knight could answer.

"That is i have noticed he's been looking a bit sickly of late."

There was a hint of concern in the King's voice, but his expression, although curious, was normal and perfectly calm.

"Of course sire, I understand ...." Lancelot began. " Honestly Arthur.... Merlin just needs....rest ."

Arthur raised an eyebrow.

" I have.........taken it upon myself To insure... That Merlin gets.. A few hours of sleep a day..."

The king simply looked at him, his expression unchanged. He moved a little and scratched his chin.

"And how exactly..." He began clearing his throat once again. " So, you mean to tell me, that merlin is now... Incapable of sleeping.?"

"Well... Yes sire.. Technically..." The knight said , clearly unsure how to explain........ Arthur just stood there, arms crossed...

"Please enlighten me." He said after a moment of silence.

"Sire.... Perhaps you..

"I have already tried talking to Merlin, he doesn't listen to me" arthur interrupted curiosity beginning to consume him.

"Right then... Sire, Merlin has been suffering from nightmares. Severe nightmares, that have been preventing him from getting any proper sleep."

"No one knows why, gaius cannot come up with any answer as to why he is having these dreams but they are constant." stated the Knight now standing up straighter.

"...........And how...may I ask, are you able to assist in all this?" .

A long pause took place and the room seemed to echo with silence. lancelot stared at the king for a moment unsure what to say. after a while he replied.

"I um... Seem to be able to calm him down. ...."He only sleeps peacefully if I am present sire. We don't know why."

At this Arthur twitched a bit and his expression changed. it was almost as if the king was disturbed by this. His confused eyebrow still raised but accompanied by something else the knight couldn't read. The room was silent once again, and once again a long pause took place.

"I am sorry sire"

The Knight said breaking the silence. "But I must get back, Merlin needs to sleep."

Arthur simply stared back at him silently for a short moment, still looking a bit confused, arms never straying from their crossed position.

"Yes of course."

Arthur said with a final clearing of his throat . He seemed to almost glare at the knight

"Thank you Lancelot you may go."

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