I looked to Kelly, who was the only one at the table to know the ups and downs of the last six months between Jamie and me. Her lips twisted ruefully, but then she held her drink up to the rest of us. "I wanna make a toast to James, Cliff, and Jim." We all looked at her in surprise and she just smiled benignly. "Cuz clearly, they have fantastic taste in women."

We all laughed and made a big show of agreeing whole-heartedly as we clinked glasses.

"Speaking of having great taste in women," Melissa spoke up, taking a quick sip of her Long Island ice tea, "I heard a rumor Kel that yer datin' someone new."

Now it was Kelly's turn to blush as we all turned to look at her. "Apparently Leila is totally crap at keeping her trap shut." She threw me the evil eye for spilling the beans, but I just shrugged it off and grinned back at her. "Yes, I'm datin' someone new. His name is Patrick, he's twenty-five, and he works at an architectural firm that focuses on historical Craftsman restorations."

The other two girls stared at her, and Kel looked between the two of them in confusion. "What?"

"He sounds like an actual grown-up," Corinne replied

Mel and I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I guess he is." Kelly smiled shyly, before adding, "But yer guys are totally..."

Her voice drifted off as we all turned to see James and Cliff head banging on stage, while Jim, and most of the party goers, thrashed around on the dance floor below. We all looked at each other then and started cracking up.

"You were sayin' Kel?" I commented wryly as we continued to laugh.

We peppered her with more questions about Patrick while we watched the rest of Metallica's set. Once they were done, James and Cliff came over with Jim. Cliff squeezed into the banquet next to Corinne, and I gave Jim his seat back since Jamie was tugging on my hand to follow him. Smiling slyly at me, he led us towards the back of the club and to a door marked "Exit". Pushing it open, the rush of cool air felt good as we stepped out into an alley. He stopped and looked around for a moment before leading us around a corner to where the alley dead ended. Finding it relatively dark and private, he wasted no time in pushing me up against the outside wall of the club, his lips finding mine in a heated and primal kiss. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I held on as he ravaged my mouth, his tongue slicking along mine as his hands crept up underneath my skirt to grip my ass.

"Shit Lei," he whispered roughly against my lips, "I was just gonna kiss you, but now I need more or I'm gonna lose my fuckin' mind."

I reached down between us and undid his jeans and pulled out his rock hard cock, giving it a few strokes as he shuddered against me. He lifted me up then and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he pushed himself up into me, both of us gasping and shaking at the sensation of oneness. Closing his eyes, he rested his forehead against mine for a moment, his breath feathering lightly across my cheeks as I watched the emotions working across his face. 

Finally, he opened his eyes to stare at me. "This is all I ever wanted Leila. All I ever wanted was to be with you."

My heart melted at that as I smiled lovingly at him. "You have me Jamie. That's never gonna change."

Instead of answering, he shifted his hips up against me and I moaned at the sensation of being filled completely. The sound must have turned him on, because he kept moving inside me as he pressed me up against the wall, his thrusts gaining in momentum as I held on tight, my whimpers and mewls of pleasure getting louder as he pushed us both towards release.

"Cum baby," I whispered hotly against his ear, "cum for me. I wanna watch you."

That was all it took to push him over the edge as his movements increased. Then his body suddenly tensed and I kissed him deeply, swallowing his cries of pleasure into my mouth while his body shook and shuddered beneath me as his orgasm hit him hard. I clutched him to me, wanting the feeling of absolute rightness to last forever.

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