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I don't know exactly what was happening right now but what I did know is I am getting the hell out of here. This is crazy I can't be mates with a hybrid. They are known to be savage crazy hunters. I mean he is super attractive though maybe being mates won't be so bad. No! Pull yourself together veronica he isn't attractive and you want to be as far away as you can. They are savages and we don't need to be around them. This little voice in my head keeps me thinking that wow he might be the one. Who the heck thinks like this. Mostly to a enemy that I want no part of what so every, except maybe his eyes and his lips and his muscles. Wow I need to get out more.

"So you're telling me you have been looking for me for a darn good while and thought that today you could just swoop in and take me against my will?" I asked.

"Why yes I did, you are tiny and fragile I believe that my men and I could have you scooped up and in a sack ready to be brought back with us very quickly." he spoke in a cocky tone.

"I don't appreciate your tone of voice with me dog" I replied having my eyes glow with how angry this dumb gorgeous man was making me. His nostrils flared and he gave a quick growl before giving me a once over look of my entire body and walking away but not before saying

"Get her ready to go, we have spent enough time here I would like to actually sleep in my own room tonight." He silently stepped out of the room and disappeared. I don't get what is with this guy. Why was I so special that he would need to take me away?

His men grabbed me and pulled me out of the chair. I struggled and got one arm loose and with my vampire speed snapped the one of the guys on the lefts neck. The other two quickly grabbed my arms and legs and neck thing I know I black out instantly and think to myself

"what have I done and how did I lose?"

By the time I woke up I was groggy, my neck was killing me, i was in a super fancy bed that honestly i would love to sleep on. I looked around the room I was in, it was a decent room had some fancy blue walls and gorgeous paintings and the gaming system hooked up to the tv was just perfection. Snap out of it Veronica! You are not in the castle anymore. I can feel we are not inside the vampire borders anymore. This dude kidnapped me! For real? Does he not know how I can get when I am pissed? I let my body relax and searched the room for an exit. This room had one door and no window...great plan this is turning out to be.

The bedroom smelled like a manly cologne. This was his room he trapped me into. I have to get out of here before he comes back and my brain gets all jumbled up. I grab the doorknob and pull as hard as I could but it was locked. I took a step back and tried to put all my force into my kick to bust the door down. That didn't work so well. Instead it signaled everyone around the bedroom i am guessing guarding it that I am awake and alive. Those heavy footsteps started again. His scent got stronger as he got closer to the door. My heart started to pick up with each second almost excited and happy to see him again. I can't believe I am mates with this man.

The door burst open and there he stood. Still in the same attire as yesterday, yet he looks 10x hotter. His eyes were going back and forth between green and a bright orange.

"Could you keep it down I have pack members trying to sleep?" he asked not so nicely.

"Well excuse me, I sincerely apologize for waking up your pack members. Now if you would be so kind as to get the hell out of my way I can leave and you won't have to deal with me ever again." I replied.

He just smirked. My whole body started to heat up just from that quick smirk of his. He could sense how he made me feel. Some vampires have that ability but since he is a hybrid they ALL have the ability to know. His smirk got bigger and he just started taking quick and giant steps towards me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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