Meeting him

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Chapter 1

I wake up to the most annoying sound I've ever heard. It was like a constant beeping. Maybe even a ring. But my eyes weren't open. I was just seeing black. It wouldn't stop!  I move my arms and hit the object and heard it crash against what seemed to be a wall. Very slowly I opened my eyes and the brightest light shined into my corneas and burnt them! " Ahh who turn the damn sun on" I screamed. The big bang on my door sure woke me up even more. I rolled out of bed and walked over to my bedroom door. They were the fancy double doors that every girl wished she had in her bedroom but sadly not all could. The maids then rushed in and started to clean up a mess by the wall. It seems that I have decided to destroy my alarm clock...again.

The maids then make up my cute queen size bed while I am rushed into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Would you believe me if i told you I lived in a castle. I am not some silly princess though. I am sadly arrange to marry some crazy man who just so happens to be the prince of the entire Vampire world. I am a vampire as well. The fangs and eyes and all that is included with a small price of one billion dollars!! Just kidding but I am a vampire and I do have fangs. I do not have red eyes though that is for the royal family. I have gold eyes which means i am of high standards in the vampire world. The color of our eyes shows our status in the vampire world. My family was supposed to be second in line for the throne so if something were to happen to the royal family we would take their spot.

The royal family is apart of the oldest vampire bloodline. They go back to the very beginning of this world. The royal family started with the great King Kinsle. He was the one who started it all and he is praised like a god for all vampires. The King and Queen are like an aunt and uncle to me and hae raised as their own since my parents died in the war of 1732. They do have a crazy son who they have arranged for me to marry and be the next rulers of this world. Their son George is not the smartest lad out their. George is basically stupid, he doesn't know one thing about being a king and taking over. I was supposed to help him out and possibly be queen. The year my parent died the King and Queen both decided to keep as their own and have me marry their son so I would have someone to take care of me "Your parents would have wanted this" the Queen tells me. I can take care of myself perfectly without anyone's help

I go into the bathroom to shower and change and all the girly stuff that they usually do. I don't have to dress up though I am at home so I just decide to wear some nice jeans and a black top. My hair is a golden blonde color and it is as straight as a pole so I never have to do anything with it. I love my combat boots or converse they are the most comfortable to wear. I brush my teeth and i am out the door. The maids give me a side eye for what i am wearing. It happens every morning because I don't dress like a proper princess. I don't care much for poofy dresses or heels they are stupid and make girls look like flamingos who can't walk straight.

       I walk down the giant flight of stairs we have in the whole castle and at the front door is George. He can't seem to leave me alone can he? "What do you want now George?" I ask annoyed. "I am taking you to school this morning just like every other friday" He replied. He does not take me to school on fridays he is making it up. We haven't had a ride to school since kindergarten. "Why start lying now? You know That I don't want to be anywhere near you" I yell. By now my eyes should be a glowing gold. This happens to vampires who are extremely upset or pissed off. Georges eyes go a glowing red and I back down. The royal family is not one to mess with but he doesn't scare me. Yet in the vampire world he is the "Dominate" one and that is what I have to respect.

"You know not to mess with me and my anger Veronica" He reminded. George as quick as he arrived had disappeared and i was left alone looking at the front entrance of the castle wondering why he still won't give up. Ever since we were kids he has always been around me and trying to be friendly with me, But he also cares too much about himself for me to ever want to be around him. It is his way or it is the highway. The queen soon enters and greets me a good morning while looking at my attire for school. "Oh dear why won't you wear any of the designer I made the servants buy for you?" she questioned. "Auntie I am not a dress up type of girl I am just fine in my jeans and t-shirt." I answered. She did not like my answer and puckered her lips to keep her from snapping. Being a queen must be hard work if she can't state how she really feels. I rolled my eyes and out the door I went humming "just keep swimming" from Finding Dory.

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