10. ruination

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10 | ruination

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10 | ruination

Her tears mixed with the rain dripping from the sky in a pathetic drizzle. As soon as she stood before him, the floodgates ruptured.

"I am so sorry. I'm cruel and I'm a bitch and I'm awful and honestly, I don't even know why you called me. But wow, thank you so much for calling me. I don't deserve it.

"And I wanted to call you. Every day I stare at my phone, at your number. Then I chicken out. I just — Doyoung, I can't let this ruin your reputation. I can't be your tea or your dirt or your skinny. That's why I left. I can't ruin you."

He continued to grin down at her, eyes glistening in the soft storm. He pivoted, pointing down the street. "Do you remember that spot? Those bushes right there? It was there I spotted this Dispatch photographer. She didn't even want the job of stalking me. I'm boring, apparently."

Jia shot him a small smile.

Doyoung faced her, tucking his free hand in his pocket. "Na Jia, the minute I approached you that day, you ruined me."

Her eyes widened. "I'm sorry. I—"

His smile appeared like the sun from behind the clouds. "Don't apologize. I rather like being ruined by you. In fact, I like it so much, I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime?"

She glanced about. There was no crowd gathering around them, no passersby daring a peek. It was like the drizzle had driven the curious away.

"What if they catch us?"

"I happen to know that Dispatch doesn't like to follow me around."

She finally smiled. "You know, your reputation with Dispatch may change now."

"I sleep with Dispatch photographers." He shrugged. "So what?"

They laughed and then wandered down the street, holding up the umbrella together even though the rain had stopped.




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