Michael Emerson

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Recently, I moved to a new town called Santa Carla from Oregon. I was a little bit nervous since me and my family could see everywhere missing people posts and people kept calling this town like a murder capital, something like that. But for the sake of my dad's job, we needed to move since he got promoted. Don't get me wrong, I always loved California but I didn't particularly wanted to go there, maybe more Los Angeles.

My parents bought a cozy house next to one of their friend, Grandpa ( ok bare me with this one, in the movie they never said what was his name and on google, they just called him Grandpa). I remember that when I was a lot more younger, at the age of 7, in the summer we went to visit him. I also remember he had two grandsons, one called Sam, the younger brother and Michael, the older one. Michael....it's been years since I last saw him, but I remember  him with his beautiful eyes and the curls on his hair. We were best friends but the distance between us tear us apart. He probably forget all about me....

My thoughts were interrupted by a car door slam. We were there, in front of our new house. Grandpa greeted us and invited us inside his house for a little moment. He started to talk to my parents and obviously me and my brother, Aiden grew bored. I was older than him by three years. We'd always have each other and we're the bestest friend ( **can't relate**).  We also have a little sister, Ava. She was way younger than us, only aged of 6.

-''So y/n where is your lover?'' Aiden asked me, doing kissing signs with his fingers. I immediately knew who he was talking about right away.

-'' Shut up!'', I playfully hit him and looked at him widely because I realize I made the biggest mistake.

-'' I don't shut up, I grow up and when I look at you, I throw up urghh'' Aiden yelled putting his finger in his mouth. Whenever me, him or our friends, Chris, Gordie, Vern and Teddy said shut up, we needed to say that phrase. One time, when the boys went on the search of the dead body 6 years ago, Gordie had enough so he said shut up and so the boys said the phrase and haha Gordie said that « and then your mother goes around the corner and licks it up » .That was funny and a great comeback .

I rolled my eyes already annoyed by him and decide to go to the kitchen. I wasn't ready to meet Michael and Aiden already made it difficult for me. I made a sandwich since I didn't ate in the last 12 hours. As I was eating, I felt arms around my waist. For a moment I thought it was Ava because she loves hugging me but the arms felt stronger and bigger. I could also feel the breath of someone on my head. 

I turned around and that's when I saw him...Michael..

-'' Miss me?'' I was astonished. He looked way better than before. He was really tall and had a perfect body figure. He looked way stronger and wow, just wow. He flashed me a smile and that's when I finally decide to talk back.

-''Oh my god, Michael I missed you'' I said hugging him.

Michael's POV

Me and Sam were going back home after walking Nanook around. As we went in front of our house, we saw a car that weren't our. Sam saw my confused face.

-'' It's probably one of Grandpa's friends'' Sam said, shrugging his shoulders. We went inside and saw Aiden and Ava. We said hi to them. I did my and Aiden's handshake bros ( seriously idk how it's called ) and pulled Ava into a tight hug but not much. Sam and Aiden started talking and I scan the house to see if y/n was here. 

-''Yo Mike she is in the kitchen'' Aiden said to me and I thanked him.

I was a nervous wreck. I haven't seen here in 10 years nor talked. I was scared that she forget about me or would be mad that I hadn't talk to her. There I saw her. Her back was facing so I couldn't see her properly but she was still beautiful. I approached her and hug her from behind.

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