Chapter 6

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Author's Note: I'm so so so sorry I took so long to post the next chapter. And I also apologize in advance for putting together this long chapter (the longest I have ever written in my fanfiction life) with not enough time to edit properly. It's messy but hopefully still readable and enjoyable. Also, I realized I misspelled Shauna's name so I'll be correcting that in the previous chapters.


When you study closely with someone and you share similar interests and you have a similar world view and you're passionate about the same things, things can happen.

This is what I was feeling about Mark. I know I said I'm not interested in having a boyfriend, but I think I'm kind of starting to like him. He moved next to me in the front row during Philo class. And it made me less nervous. I was able to answer questions confidently, even with Professor Swanson's judging eyes staring unblinkingly at me. And Mark smiled at me every time he caught me looking at him. Obviously, I smiled back and maybe fluttered my eyelashes at him. Hopefully it looked cute and not like I had something stuck in my eye. I really need to practice these kinds of things in front of the mirror just to make sure.

He asked me to study with him and we've done a few study sessions in my room. Nothing ever happened but we joked a lot and laughed a lot. Maybe I should have initiated something, like pretended to accidentally touch his hand, see if there were any sparks between us. I wasn't really sure how these things go.

Note to self, ask Ann how to flirt with boys. Also note to self, ask Ann if heart palpitations will lead to heart problems in the future.

But okay, I think it's a full blown crush now. He hasn't asked me out on a date yet. Which makes me worry that he might not be interested and I'm just making an ass out of myself. Or maybe he's just building up the courage. I really should help him out then. I feel like some boys like it when the girl makes the first move.

I'd get the chance to test this theory soon enough as I was heading to his dorm to get my notes back. I was daydreaming about how Mark fixes his hair by running his fingers through it, when something caught my eyes. Ben was sitting on the steps of the Social Science building that was along the way to Mark's dorm. He was with Shauna, who was on her phone and Ben was reading a book. Ben and I hadn't talked since that Mark incident. And I was thankful for the reprieve.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Okay, that's not entirely true in this case. Maybe I check my phone from time to time to see if he's sent me a text. He used to send me daily fun facts that were only fun if you were into nerdy stuff. I thought they were funny and I'd reply with something funnier. But after he saw me with Mark, he hadn't sent me any messages since. And to be honest, I sort of missed them. It was one of the first things I checked when I woke up in the morning.

He looked up from his book and saw me. He stared for a bit and I stared back as I kept walking past the building. I waited for him to wave or have any form of reaction, but there was nothing except his hooded eyes following me. Shauna yanked on his sleeve and he turned to her. I took this opportunity to walk faster so that when he next looked up I'd have disappeared.

I still don't really know how I feel about Ben. I always end up angry whenever I think about the stupid things he's said. But I also feel excited when I'm talking to him. Ugh, why can't my problems be simpler, like how to affect change in society? I have a thousand answers to that question but ask me stuff about boys and I'm just...

Oh, fuck it, why was Ben still on my mind though? I should focus more on Mark. Mark who actually talks to me like a normal human being and one that I can act like my normal self with. Being friends with Ben was toxic. I'd always have to watch out for Shauna who can somehow look and sound like an angel but can cut you with words. Plus, now that I know what he's done to Mark, I might not be able to talk to him without voicing out my opinion towards his past actions.

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