"And yet you are. We both are living without each other.", whispered a crying Isla as she ignored her ringing phone. "How exactly are you taking this challenge from our children, Mia? Will you let them just happily live their lives or will you do exactly what your mother did?" She brushed her tears away as she stood up to go and open the door. And when she did so, she saw Mia standing there, looking frustrated as hell. She slammed the door right back in her face. She shouted: "GO AWAY!!" And then silence from both sides. She opened the door slightly again and instinctively looked at her right. Mia was leaning against the wall, her hat really low on her head. She clearly knew Isla would have opened the door again. Because this was what they used to do when they were lovers. Whenever Isla would get angry, she would just slam the door at Mia's face who would patiently wait for her anger to go away and get inside again. Isla blinked her tears. They were no longer that young and they were no longer lovers. So why was Mia still here?

The queen re-adjusted her sunglasses and said calmly: "We need to talk." Isla took a deep breath and crossed her arms, standing at her threshold, refusing to let Mia inside. "About?", she asked with a hint of challenge. Mia stood there in silence for a moment. Isla tried not to squirm. She knew Mia was staring at her behind those bloody sunglasses. She always did that. Isla counted to ten and lashed out: "If you have nothing to say, then please excuse me." She turned to get back inside when Mia finally spoke: "We need to talk about Krist." Isla bristled and exclaimed: "And Singto!! What about him??! You are not going to do the same thing that your mother did!! I refuse to talk about my son! It's clearly your son who rushed out to kiss him right there in front of everyone!! And still you are laying the blame on my sweet son!! Are you blind or something?!! Just leave, Mia. We have nothing to say to each other." Mia clenched her fists and Isla could feel the intensity of her glare. But she stood her ground and pointed to the exit. The queen left. And Isla closed her door.

Meanwhile, Krist was chuckling against Singto's thigh, face down. "No more trembling and no more dizziness if you are laughing?", whispered the prince as he stroked his omega's hair. Mika glanced back for a second and exclaimed: "Geez not in my car, guys!!!"  Singto grinned and stopped the innocent Krist from getting up. "Oh Mika, don't ruin my fun!", he exclaimed as he played with Krist's hair. Mika hissed: "Do that in your car, you shameless hussy!!" Singto burst out laughing as Krist now instantly raised his head from Singto's lap, his face blazing red. He muttered in an embarrassed voice: "I am no longer dizzy.." Mika and Singto shared a glance in the car mirror and laughed together. Singto leaned over and kissed his omega lightly on the lips as he whispered: "Are you seriously okay now?" Krist smiled at him and nodded. His alpha sighed and said: "For a moment, you got me so worried, you know." Krist grimaced as he remembered the moment when he suddenly started to feel dizzy and anxious while standing next to Singto after that public confession. 

Singto had felt how he leaned heavily on him and instantly asked his best friend help him to get Krist from this crowd and into his car. Once inside, he had pressed Krist's head in between his knees. Mika kept saying that Krist should place his head in between his own knees but Singto was not listening and this was when Mika started to tease them endlessly. Krist breathed out and smiled as he felt Singto interlock their fingers again. He turned his head to look at Singto and the latter said: "Want to go home with me?" Mika scoffed: "You mean my house.." Singto winked: "Same thing. What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine." And this made Mika roll his eyes harder. "Fine. I am bunking at my boyfriend's place just for you two. See? See how much I do for you?" Singto blew him a kiss and said: "I will be eternally grateful." 

Once Mika dropped at the apartment, Krist hugged Singto with all his might, finally relieved. Singto smiled and hugged him back. "I made you so worried. Sorry?" Krist sobbed against his neck: "I thought you listened to my mom for real. I thought you just left me. On top of that, you did not take up my calls at all. When Mika told me that you suddenly wanted to get back home, that got me so scared..So scared that I actually came to look for you at your place.." Singto sighed and patted his back: "It's fine. It's fine. Come and sit. I'll explain everything to you." Krist nodded and followed him to the sofa. But Singto sat down, he shouted excitedly: "IT'S OFFICIAL! WE ARE DATING!" Startled by the sudden shout, Krist stared at his grinning alpha and burst out laughing, climbing on his lap: "Are you that happy?" Singto nodded excitedly and Krist laughed again. His prince could be so cute sometimes. He inclined his head as he asked with a pout: "What? Are you not happy? Did you want not to say yes to me?"

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