~7~Father Figures and School Dances ~<3~

Start from the beginning

"Lucas!" Riley said excitedly.

"Hand." We reminded her. She raised it.


"Grown-up voice."

"Lucas, hello." She said in a deep voice, causing me to laugh.


"Hey, yeehaw. You going to Tick-Tock Shake Your Body Time?" Maya asked.

"You know, it's not a square dance, so, not gonna be a whole lot of do-si-doing." I finished.

Lucas smirked. "Well then, I'm sure I'll have no idea what to do and you guys can make fun of me.

Maya and I pointed at him. "You're not playing this right."

Lucas put our hands down. "Oh, well that's certainly not my intention. I'll try harder next time."

"We will break you." We said threateningly. I mostly just enjoyed teasing him.

"Well, if that's what makes you happy, then. I certainly can't wait for it, "He tipped an imaginary hat, "ma'am."

We shuddered in annoyance, turning from him.

"You going to the school dance, Lucas?" Riley asked.

"Thought I would. You?"

We gagged. "You hear us?" I asked and we gagged again.

"You'll both be there. He'll be the one in a cowboy hat going like this." Maya did a cowboy dance as I sang an upbeat western song.

The bell rang.  "So, you going to class?"

Riley nodded. "Thought I would. You?"

They walked away as we continued our"show" people clapped us on and we stopped. "It isn't for you."

They kept clapping, so we kept dancing. "Okay, fine."


"So Riley's going to ask her parents if she can wear makeup to the dance," Maya remarked. We were having a sleepover, and we were sitting on her bed, our backs against the wall.

"Hey..." I started, realizing something, "Isn't the dance on 'Cyclone Day' when she goes on that daddy-daughter date thing??" I asked.

Maya nodded. "How bad do ya think this is gonna be?"

"We'll see tomorrow."


"Friar! Farkle! Hart! Huxton! You." Mr. M called as we walked into class, stopping at Riley.

"Dad, I..." He cut her off, making a closed mouth symbol with his hand. "Okay." She sighed, walking to her desk.

"It's bad," I whispered to Maya.

"Well, guys." He started. "I've got your test results on Darwin to give back to you, and uh, I'm pleased to see some of you have "evolved" since the last quiz." He waited for us to laugh.

"Ha!" Farkle said, pretending to laugh.

"Thanks, Farkle."

"Well, you were drowning, sir." I laughed at that.

Mr. M started to hand out our test results. "Ms. Hart. Mr. Friar,  Nice work."

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