It Hurts

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If only you were in my shoes,
you would understand how I feel...
It hurts...
The pain, the shame, my heart, the words...
I can't seem to forget all of it, even if its just for a little time...
I try my best to avoid thinking about it, yet it keeps coming...
Am I really the reason why every bad thing happens?

Do they know that the words that he's saying tend to hurt me every single day?
Do they know that the words that there can be no cure for all those filthy words?
I've been stepped on and took advantage of,
I built a boundary around me,
I can't trust anyone anymore...
Others made a promise to stay, yet they took flight...

It hurts to know that no matter how perfect you try to be,
People will still look at you the same...
It hurts that no matter how you try to please others, you can't please yourself...
It hurts to say that I have failed to be a perfect daughter, sister, aunty to the ones I love...

It hurts that they can't be able to see the pain, the sorrow, and the miseries I had.
I can't let them know,
I wanna scream, hell I wanna announce it to the whole damn world....
But all I could do was say that "Everything is fine..."

What hurts the most is that they don't trust me,
Never have I ever did anything bad in my life,
But I am tempted now that they won't let me live my own life...

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