Fuck Love

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Everything isn't always as they seem,
Behind every smile is a look of hate,
Within the eyes, holds no emotions.
There ain't no reason to, especially when they don't give you the time of day...

Fuck love, fuck every word that even relates to it,
Because they have the eyes and ears on everything you do–
Your flaws, mistakes, your past,
It ain't easy to ignore, with all the shit you've been through...

Nobody gives a damn about things happening in your life,
Same goes for all their fake love,
Giving them all of yourself; your secrets, trust, sacrifices,
But with all those multiplied by nonstop, it will never be enough....

I'm called an "embarrassment" to those I love,
A "failure" to those who looked up to me,
A "nobody" to the ones that mocked me...
Fuck that, fuck everyone who don't have the 'eyes' to see...through me.

Love, ha! I wondered who created that word...
I've had enough of it, I don't need anymore...
That fake shit of yours can't fool me,
And just like that, I've sworn...
"I wished I was never born..."

Reese's PiecesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora