A Walking Shame

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Of days and nights, feeling insecure and alone

When will this sadness stop? How will I survive?

With walls, barriers I've sheltered around me

Scared of being too attached,
Of trusting anyone

The people of whom I had loved turned their backs against me

Disowning me from my own
My own flesh and blood,

Reality had opened my eyes to see...
I was played with, used

Asked to be used of my identity to hide theirs...

With another one coming along,
They have seen the greatness in him...

Forgetting about all of my efforts of trying to be the perfect daughter...

He is given the love that they haven't gave me...

The attention that they never had given me...
Not a second or a day...

Not a day goes by when I don't notice the look in his eyes father gives to him...

One thing I have ever really wanted in life was for a true family....

Instead of having that, I get the opposite...

A family, separated... A heart broken and scars that can't be healed...

Emotions building up, making me swell with a desire to run away and self harm...

Bursting out, I go in rage...

Tears pouring like raindrops,
Hands clenched in fists,
As my breathing begins to speed up..

I scream, kick, throw things around...
Remembering all the harsh words, just made me more insane....


That was a description one could've described me...

I was damaged inside and out...

A girl of a family who she thought loved her...

A girl without a father and mother...

A girl who was disowned, unwanted by  family...

A Walking Shame...

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