Chapter 17

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Night had come once more and I found myself sitting by the window. I couldn't help but wonder what everyone was currently doing. Were they enjoying meals with their families? Out partying on a school night? Doing homework? I wanted to move my limbs. It felt as if the restraints were digging into my skin. Even if I asked them to remove or loosen them, they'd just believe I only wanted to escape.

I wasn't a fighter and there were more of them than me. So running wasn't really an option in this case. I couldn't exactly sit here and wait for someone to come for me. Hell, no one besides Aoi and Takeru knew where I was last. I looked around the room then sighed as there wasn't anything I could try to cut the rope with. I could try and sneak out in the dead of night, but they probably took turns staying watch. There was another option, but it was dangerous and might not work. There really weren't any options.


Morning rose again and I was brought breakfast. "Could you, cut this?" He rolled his eyes, but cut it anyway. "You know, I expected you to have a breakdown of some sort, but you're really composed." I finished what was in my mouth then sighed. "Why would I waste energy on freaking out about the situation when I could use that energy to figure out an escape plan? Though, I can't exactly do that, escape I mean." Nothing else was said between us and he then took the dishes out of the room.

He poked his head back in then sighed. "I'm sorry about this, kid." He closed the door once more. At least he had a conscience. I looked out the window at the empty streets. Hardly anyone passed by here. Just as I started to look away, I noticed someone run down the block. "Are they running from someone?" A few minutes passed, but no one else came by. I figured they were doing some morning exercise until the same figure passed by again. I shook my head as they were probably just sprinting back home to finish.

I started to wonder what the person was looking for as they had ran back and forth numerous times. They had to be tired at this point. I haven't seen them run past, so I figured they took a break to catch their breath. I decided to try and lift up the window so I could see better. It wasn't easy, but I managed to open it enough to stick my head and a bit of my body out. I looked down then realized I could jump, but the probability of hurting myself was high. Just as I had decided on my plan, the person had started to come back.

"Ryoken...?" I wanted to call out to him, but I couldn't risk them hearing me. I needed to get his attention. I looked around the room then decided on the pillow. I opened the window a bit wider then hoped the pillow would fall far enough to get his attention.

He looked up then met my gaze. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. He walked over then put his hands on his hips. Nothing was said between us, but it didn't seem like words were needed. He held his arms out and I was quick to shake my head. What if he couldn't catch me? I heard the door starting to open and leapt out. I felt something halt my fall and heard a low grunt.


I gently rubbed my wrists as the skin had become red. I quietly looked up and saw Ryoken staring at my wrists. I hid them behind my back. "You came for me...?" He pulled my arms out of hiding then gently brushed his thumb against my wrist. "We're going to the police right now." He didn't wait to hear my thoughts as he grabbed my hand. It stung a bit, but I decided to bear with it for his sake.


We quietly sat in a cafe after visiting the police. I had never seen Ryoken so quiet. It was unnerving. "Ryoken..." "Order whatever you want." I frowned. "That's not what I wanted to say. I wanted to thank you...for coming to look for me." I hid behind the small menu they provided for us. "I couldn't sleep." I peeked over it a bit to see his expression. It was full of sadness and worry. "Hearing 'Is this him?' made me uneasy. Then you not answering your phone..." I placed the menu down then felt a bit sad seeing him like this.

"I didn't think you cared that much about me..." He glared at me. "You think I don't care? I was awake all night worrying about you. I couldn't stop thinking about you for pete's sake! And you say 'I didn't think you cared'?" I broke eye contact briefly before meeting his gaze again. "I couldn't have possibly known that. I'm not you. Don't get mad at me!" His eyes softened then filled with sadness. "I'm sorry. I're dear to me. There, I said it. I find you dear to me, so I really care a lot about you, Yusaku." I stared at him blankly. "A dear friend huh...I get it." I smiled softly at the thought, but couldn't help but notice the small twinge in my chest.

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