Chapter 12

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"Welcome to Matsu University!" I was really here. I felt a bit anxious. Students bustled about around us as our tour guides pointed things out. It would've been helpful had I known his schedule. Was it too late to find out? It probably would've been best to do from my computer at home as it was more protected than my phone was. I bumped into someone then apologized. "Hey, aren't you that kid from last week?"

It was his friend again. "Have we met before?" "You can't fool me. What are you doing here?" "Well I was on a tour until we bumped into each other. If you don't mind, my tour guides are leaving me behind." I turned on my heel and walked away. I should've asked him about Ryoken's schedule, but instead I had to get sarcastic with him. "Well, I'll let him know you're here." I quickly faced him and saw he was already walking away. At least it was better than him not knowing.


"And this is the dining hall! Your meals are already paid for, so go ahead and eat. We'll regroup in an hour." It was pretty spacious and was set up buffet style. I couldn't decide what to eat. "Hey." I looked to my left and saw a girl looking at me. "Am I in the way? Sorry." "Oh, you're fine. I actually wanted to talk." "Sure..." I wasn't used to people walking up to me nor wanting to talk to me either. Takeru and Aoi claim I give off a vibe that turns most away.

"So, are you a senior or junior?" "Senior in high school." "Oh! Me too! What are you looking to major in?" "Computer Science." "Ah, I'm looking into Business Management." She gave off a strong sunny vibe. What kind of home did she come from? "So, what highschool do you go to?" "Den City High." "Hm, it's far from my school, Shinshen High." I peered over her shoulder then froze. It was him. I started to panic internally. "You okay?" "Can we move seats?" "We can but, there aren't many empty tables left."

I quietly watched him walk past with a friend. "Is everything okay now?" "Yeah." I had hoped so. She continued to chatter on and I gave some input when needed. My mind was no longer on the fact we were in the same space.

"Group B! Group B!" "Are you in group B?" She shook her head. "Group A." "I see. It was nice meeting you." "I'll come visit your school sometime!" I wasn't entirely pleased with her declaration, but I didn't hate the idea. "Yu?" The voice was familiar. I kept walking. "Is everyone here from Group B?" We looked around and my gaze had met Ryoken's. I quickly turned around. Why was I so anxious? It was so unlike me. He wasn't anything special. Just a guy I had a slight attachment to.


"Next we'll be visiting the residence halls." Should I have talked to him then? Would I have been able to despite my group leaving? I felt a bit of regret. The day was crawling closer to the end. We peeked into a few rooms then headed towards the next hall. "I actually live in this hall and if you want my honest opinion, this one is the best to stay in." The group laughed as we stopped in front of a door. "Hey, you in?" The door opened and the guy from this morning poked his head out. "Another group?" "Don't give me that."

I squeezed my way in hoping to see Ryoken. "Oh, Yusaku." Everyone looked at me. "Oh? Do you know him, Yeon?" "Indeed I do. He knows Ryoken too. Don't know how, but they seem to be close." I was in the spotlight. Of all rooms we had to visit. "We have visit-" We looked back and there he was. "Yusaku. So my eyes weren't deceiving me." I hated being put in the center. I squeezed my way out the room and headed back from where we came.

I slumped down in a chair feeling relief wash over me. I had escaped. "Yu." He followed me, just like last time. "I didn't mean to put you on the spot..." "Your friend did.'re not at fault." He sat next to me. "So, looking at colleges huh?" "Yeah." It felt awkward. "Ryoken." "Hm?" "Do you...dislike me?" "Yeah. You stole my money after all." Of course he wouldn't forget that easily. "But putting that aside, I don't. You're pretty interesting to be around." I sat up then met his eyes.

"Really?" "Yep. I don't see why you don't have a lot of friends." He poked my nose then gave me a cheesy smile. I felt a bit weird afterwards. "Ah, looks like the group is leaving." "Already?" He gave me a curious look. "Did you want to stay longer?" Couldn't he tell? I had already blurted out my thoughts. "Hey, you okay?" "I'm fine." I purposefully left my phone behind so I'd have an excuse to come back in.


"Hope you all enjoyed the tour! We hope to see you back here as accepted students!" The group dispersed and I made a beeline back to the residence hall.

"Excuse me." "Yeah?" "I think I left my phone on one of the chairs. Could I go check?" "Oh, give me a second." She left her seat and entered a room. After a while she came back out. "He'll be down in a bit." He? I just wanted my phone. "Okay..." I leaned against the wall as I waited for whoever it was. "Yusaku~" I sighed heavily as it was Ryoken's voice. "Back so soon?" "I left my phone." "You mean this?" He produced my phone from his pocket. "Yes. May I have it back?" "Finder's keepers." He was starting to get annoyed. "Just give it back." "Should I? If you really wanted it, you wouldn't have left it." I've felt frustrated before, but this was on another level. "Ryo, just give the kid his phone." "Do you always have to ruin my fun?"

I watched them interact. Were they close? It seemed like it. What was I feeling? Jealousy? I couldn't be. We weren't friends, and we certainly weren't a thing. I left the building without my phone. It wasn't important anyway. I could simply buy another. "Hey, you left your phone." "Keep it." He held me back by my shoulder. "Yu, what's wrong? Did I play around too much?" "Yeah, you did. And now I'm feeling like this! Why did you have to go and joke around like that? Play around like that? Just leave me be." It was as if my mouth had no filter. Everything just spilled out.

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