- scoundrel -

45 1 1

( your pov )

'' I mean, he lies, he is a cheat ''

no way, Philip Hamilton,  the nicest man i've  ever met, is a so called ' Scoundrel ' 

'' How are you sure? '' I asked

'' ah, i see you don't know the Philip Hamilton from last year''

'' who is Philip Hamilton from last year?..."

'' A cheat,''

i rolled my eyes, 

'' can you be more specific? '' i said with sass in my voice, 

'' he cheated on Theodosia Burr, They Used to be the School's power couple, But Philip Cheated on her with, Susan Reynolds....'' 

SUSAN REYNOLDS?!?!?? She is the school Slut! I thought Philip would be more respectful than that......

and How could he cheat on Theodosia? how could Theo Never tell me? we have been friends since Second grade, i stepped backwards a bit, my heels sounding like Tap Shoes hitting Wood, 

'' Philip, Cheat? what?'' i said stuttering, the words barely comeing out of my mouth,

'' yep, and i have a whole speach, Thomas Jefferson's Children would never do that. ''

'' i need some water..."

( sorry for short Chapter )

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2019 ⏰

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