- Philip -

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( your point of view )

I woke up head acheing, I got up hitting my head on the bunk bed. " fuck. " I said rubbing my head I got up and turned to the top bunk and started shaking it sophia began to wake up, " what the fuck do you want y/n? " she said, " it's time for school, " i said, she climbed down, we headed out to get breakfast, 

We saw all the tables were taken by other orphans, me and Sophia grabbed breakfast sat down and began to eat on the floor, this happend usually me and Sophia were like sisters, even if we weren't, everyday we would cross our fingers we would get adopted by the same person, we then finished breakfast, and got ready I wore a lovely purple dress, my friend a yellow dress, we did our hair and headed to school. We were talking and all the sudden I bumped into someone, " hey watch were your goi- " I was cut off. I saw a sweaty young man covered in dirt breathing heavily, " please, hide me!" The young man pleaded,

I glanced over at sophia, she shrugged,I pulled out my hand and took him into a store, I hid him behind a shelf, I looked outside the window, a mob of females quickly ran over sophia, and they charged pass the store, the young man looked over at me and then came out from behind the shelf, " who are you?" I asked he looked away and looked back at me, "philip!" He said, " philip-?" 

" I rather not say, " he said, I smirked, " oooo~ mysterious" I said jokingly earning a chuckle out of they boy, "so what's with the mob?" I asked, 

" oh that-, that's nothing.... a other day at Columbia university...." he said,

"Oh hey I got to that school! Wait.....there's only one kid that popular.....YOUR PHILIP HAM" Philip covered my mouth " shhhhhhh." He said. " you don't want that mob back, do you? " he said, I licked his hand. " ew!" He removed his hand from my mouth, I snickerd, " no, I don't want them back," I said with a smirk on my face, " your very gross, " philip said earning a wide grin on my face, " SOPHIA," I said remembering Sophia had just been trampled, 

" who? " philip said, I ran outside, I saw a dirt covered Sophia passed out on the pavement, Philip came  out to, " oh your friend," 


" but I don't know your name!!!" Philip yelled, but i was already running,

I would have never thought this would happen on a normal Friday mornin.

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