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"Michael I'm just about to go on, what do you want?" Becky had a hand covering her free ear as she was walking towards the entryway to the ring. That's when she heard the background noise on his end.

"You need to come home." His words were serious and even she could tell. She stopped dead in her tracks as everyone's eyes fell upon her.

"I'll leave after I'm done." She heard more background noise along with his distant talking.

"No Bex. You need to come now." She instantly turned around as everyone watched shocked.

"I'm on my way." The call was dropped once he gave her the address to where he was. It was then that she was intercepted by Stephanie McMahon. "Steph please it's a long story and I'll explain everything to you later." The brunette nodded before Becky was allowed down the hallway. Her personal belongings were quickly gathered before she was barreling down every road she needed to.

The speed limit meant nothing in her eyes. The only thing that mattered was that she got to Michael as soon as she possibly could. She kept trying to call him only to have it go to voicemail each time.

Becky's car was slammed into park before her feet were moving faster than she ever thought was possible. Her body collided with Michaels the second she found him.

"What the fuck is going on?" His arms tightly wound around her, she could feel his entire body shaking before a tear hit the top of her head. Her concern was instantly through the roof. "Michael. What happened?"

"I-I don't even know Bex." His voice was cracking. The pair moved towards a set of secluded chairs before he spoke again. "He was sleeping everything was fine and then I couldn't figure out why nothing was coming through the monitor." Becky's breath hitched as Michaels voice got shaky. "He was on his stomach Bex. H-he.." he couldn't even continue.

"Michael." His eyes finally met her tear filled ones. "Is he okay?" He opened his mouth but nothing would come out. "Michael."

"I don't know." She burst into tears. Her face buried into his shoulder before his arms wound tightly around her. "I'm so sorry Bex." His nose buried into her shoulder as his tears began to flow.

"How could you let this happen?" She sobbed instantly breaking his heart.

It took nearly an hour before they both finally calmed. Now all they could do was wait. Wait for answers. Wait for knowledge on his health.

As Michael began to pace Becky's head fell into her hands. She had been away for nearly two months. Two months that she could have spent with the both of them.

"I'm telling Steph tomorrow. No matter what happens." Michael stopped his movement before he moved in front of the redhead. Her hands gently moved to cup his face as her eyes met his. "I'm done hiding everything. It's not fair to either one of you and I'm done being away from you both. I just can't handle it anymore." His lips gently met hers.

She pulled away just as his arms slipped around her. As her grasp tightened around his shoulders his nose nuzzled into her neck.

"I missed you Bex." Her lips brushed along his cheek.

"I missed you more Feb." She could just about feel his eyes roll.

"You know calling me a filthy English bastard sooo makes me want to stay with you." She kissed his cheek.

"Well I've kind of got you locked down so I don't think anything's going to change that Mikey." Another thing he hated being called. For the first time that day he laughed. She always knew how to change the topic for the better.

"I hate you." Her lips met his temple.

"Sure you do love." His lips met her skin gently. He finally let his body relax. "Have you slept?" He shook his head before she pulled him onto the cushion next to her. "How many days?" He sighed and shrugged.

"I don't even know. They seem to drag together." Slowly his head moved to rest along her shoulder. Her lips gently met the top of his head before she spoke into his hair.

"Go to sleep love. I'll wake you if anything happens." He slowly nodded before she felt him get heavier on her shoulder. She carefully took his hand before she slowly began to trace the lines in his palm. It was always what she did to calm her nerves.

Becky watched as people walked in front of her. She didn't even notice the doctor that was now in front of her.

"Ms. Quin I presume?" She nodded as she was snapped out of her trance.

"How is he?" She got out before her words caught in her throat.

"He's fine. We believe he stopped breathing for a very short period of time, your husband was very quick to catch it." She wasn't even going to correct the doctors mistake of calling Michael her husband. "Though we did detect a small defect in his heart and the cardiologist preformed a non-evasive surgery to correct it. He will be back in observation for a few more hours but I will have a nurse come get you as soon as he is ready to be seen."

"Thank you." Becky got out before the doctor nodded and left the two alone. Her eyes flicked to Michaels form before opting to let him sleep as long as he could. Her phone was pulled from her pocket before she found numerous texts and calls from just about everyone on the roster. She sighed before her phone was shoved back into her jeans.

She leaned back against the cushions as she began to go through how she would explain everything. Slowly she pulled the small ring out of her pocket before it was slipped over her finger. There was a lot she was hiding and a lot that would need to be explained.

Was she ready?

Not even Becky knew the answer for that.

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