A Deadly Silence

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It was a beautiful fall day and, as he walked through the neatly kept streets, he had time to notice the glorious reds and golds of the leaves and to breathe in the crisp, clean autumn air. It seemed a perfect town. Most of the houses had large, well-tended lawns leading up to spacious, comfortable homes. The parked cars he saw were relatively new and in good condition- a seemingly perfect town. Yet, in the six hours since his arrival, he had not encountered one other living being. He had wondered around the town, looking for a hotel. But every hotel, though it said it was open, did not have a single living being. Even the birds were gone. Their music, which he was accustomed to hearing, was not there. He saw no cats, dogs, or even squirrels. He entered one of the shops and called out, "Hello?" but no response. He searched the employees only room, but still no sign of life. Same with all the other shops on the street. It was eerily silent. He wondered where everyone had gone. Maybe they were all having some sort of celebration somewhere? No. If that was true, then where were the animals? Why wasn't the town as busy as it normally was? He tried to call his family to ask, but no one answered. Then he called his best friends, but still no answer. What is happening? He suddenly heard a noise coming from one of the shops and looked up. Maybe someone was here? He went to investigate. But, he found nothing. He turned around, and for a split second, he thought he saw someone. He ran after them, or at least where he thought they had gone. He found himself in a dark alleyway. He spun around in circles. The exit had disappeared. He was trapped. He ran to the wall, searching for a way out. He heard a low cackle behind him. He spun around to see.. nothing. He heard another cackle and spun around again. Still nothing. Again and again he spun around and around, searching for the owner of the voice, searching and searching, but finding nothing, every single time. "Welcome." A powerful, scary voice said. "W-who are you?" He managed to stutter out. "You'll find out in due time." The voice said. The voice changed in tone a bit. "Now come." He felt compelled to listen, to obey. As his legs moved by themselves, he struggled to be in control. His limbs seemed to have a mind of their own. His mind began to believe that obeying was right, and as much as he tried to fight it, he couldn't. He walked straight into a wall. His vision spotted, and soon he was smothered by darkness.

Hey y'all! Hope you enjoyed. If anyone wants to finish the story for me, message me. I'd love to see this turn into a longer story.  

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