Chapter 2

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this is it this is the day we are going to meet mcfly. I rushed over to the couch Where fatima was sleeping and jumped on her. "why charl I was sleeping" and she pulled a puppy face "why do u think we need to get ready for mcfly" she just smiled and ran to the bathroom great I didn't think this through. we were already running late so we rushed to try and look as perfect as we could. When we arrived at my work the boys were already there , They were mucking about throwing food. I wishperd to fatima "maybe we should edge on that we are massive fans unless we get to know them" she nodded. my heart started racing They all looked more perfect than I could ever imagine, I mean I have seen then live but for then to be stood infront of me. well I just can't explain how I felt. and god dougie looked so perfect.I put on a smile and walked over to the guys and introduced myself as professionaly as i could "hi im charlotte and this is my friend fatima ill be sort of directing you to day but its just very casual here" dougie laughed. oh my god it was so unreal. "hi well im dougie and this is harry my lover, tom...." i cut him of "yeah we know who you are" i nudged fatima and gave her a look saying scrap the plan "well we are both massive galaxy defenders thats how we meet and become friends actually, but yeah its so bloody unreal to meet you guys". All of their faces light up "really wow thats amazing that two people meet and become this close through our music" tom said. we both just smiled. so typical dougie buts in the magical moment with " so charl who is you faveourite??" really doug?? " dougie i cant answer that infront of you all" "urm yearh you can" "well for starters i dont even have an overall fave like i have a favourite on stage on looks and stuff but i cant choose a favourite" danny gave me a very sarcastic look as if to say i was making all this up on the spot. " well which of your little catogries am i in then??" oh good this is going to ne awkward " urm...the most... urgh sexyy" i mumbled out so hopfully no one would've heard but obiously that failed all 3 of the boys laughed so hard "i knew it" dougie said with a massive grinn. "great now u have just made him even cockier" harry said. just to embarass me even more fatima cut in "yep its true she calls you a sex god" i nudged her right in the ribs. but to be honest i was secretly loving the attention from mcfly. "but if your also a fan fatima who do u fancy out of us lot of sex gods" danny said god he is accent was beautiful but this was going to all backfire for fatima because she loves danny. "you!" she said with a flirty tone actually. God fatima you naughty girl. " seriously you too the two single ones as well your putting ideas into their heads" tom said. we both just smiled at What tom could have meant.

A/N: sorry it has been weeks since i started this but i have been so busy been back at school some family stuff going on then procastination takes over. i come on her to write but end up just reading but thank i love u all :) xxxx

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