"Sir you have the President of the United States on the lin-" A resounding knock was heard instantly hindering our intensive stare off. A'yo's nefarious orbs continued to bore into mine, whilst a sneer began creeping onto his darkened lips, gazing at me as if he'd already won the battle. With a clear of his throat, he placed his palms onto my broad shoulders to shove me off him. "Sorry, but duty calls. Can't keep Mr. Obama waiting. I'd explain but, you probably wouldn't understand." A'yo readjusted the collars of his well-pressed button up, before shaking his head with a laugh and greeting his personal assistant, Akua, on the other side.

He left me in the room alone, drowning in my own thoughts.

And all I could think about was her.

Syd'nee's POV

I continued to hum harmoniously whilst using the rock-like brush Sharonia had flunked to me earlier to scrub at the grime on the blanched tiles, my dainty fingers now numb and swollen from the amount of sterilization I'd been doing since the crack of dawn. I couldn't sleep a wink last night. My thoughts were clustered, from Cleo's foolish plan to drag Sasha and I out of here, to my family back in my home village, about 40 miles west from here. Were they alright? Hopefully the night I left to come spend my days here was the last time they'd gone to bed hungry, or all my work in this castle would've been in vain.

"God..." I breathed out, once I was certain my arms could no longer take anymore physical pain. I hunched over onto the already scrubbed tiles, my chin resting onto my balled fists as my elbows rested onto the now polished flooring. 'Thanks to me.' My lids soon fell shut, suddenly wishing that I could have a life far from this one. That I could be a whole new person, living a life where I didn't have scrub tiles for a man who touched me in all the wrong places at night. A life where I could live without fear. I craved for it, longed for it, wished for it.

"Syd'nee?" I jumped up. Crap! I'd been caught sleeping on the job. I abruptly stood up, straightening down my uniform dress with much difficulty as my fingers were still throbbing. "Yes?" I kept my eyes on the tiles, without gazing up to see who had called me, in fear of getting in even more trouble. I wasn't certain if eye contact was needed. The woman gave out a child-like giggle, taking a considerate step closer to me, so that her tattered shoes were in view. Wait, tattered? With a crinkle of my brow, I slowly glanced up to meet Sasha's hazel orbs. She smiled looking as contented as possible, I was shocked--she looked as if she wasn't tortured less than 48 hours ago.

"Hey, need help with that?" She gestured to the tiles with a raised brow and all I could do was nod dumbly, my lips not being able to form an educated sentence. She lowered onto her knees with a happy sigh, before picking up the brush from it's prostrate position to begin scrubbing away at the spots that I had unfortunately missed. I lowered onto my knees as well, a tad bit nervous at what Sasha's intentions were.

"Aren't you excited we get to finally leave from this hell hole? Cleo's plan was brilliant, don't you think?" Sasha's eyes lit up as she glanced over to me, pausing her work for a moment. I frowned whilst keeping my eyes to the tiles, grabbing the extra brush that had sunken into the bottom of the grey basin as I continued to hear her speak. Did she not hear my meltdown last night? "I mean, look how many times we've wished for this moment to happen, to actually be free and not have to work for anyone?" She rambled on, her eyes gazing above my head and into space as she continued to scrub on. "I want to live somewhere far... like Germany, or Brazil..." She smiled toothily whilst she spoke her eyes glistening slightly as if in some sort of daze.

"Sash..." I started, not knowing whether or not to tell her the plan was most likely a set up. We knew nothing of Prince Cleo and his life back in Hampstead, we knew nothing of how he treated his own servants and ran his castle. I couldn't see myself having to move from here to the royal Hampstead palace only to have a repetition of what happened over here. I couldn't take it anymore. I was exhausted. "Hmm?" She returned her gaze over to me, that goofy grin still plastered against her lips. Who was I to take her happiness away? "Nevermind." I sighed whilst shooting her a smile that didn't technically reach my eyes. "You do remember that we have a contract with A'yo, right? You can't leave unless he permits it." Sasha's shoulders suddenly slumped as her smile faltered. She gazed up at me with a heartbroken look before throwing down her brush and stomping off down the empty hallway.

"Sasha, wait!" I ran after her instantly forgetting what I was meant to be doing. The tiles could wait. Her sobs could be heard a mile away and I could literally feel the ball dropping inside my stomach. I caused this. She gazed over her shoulder at me as she ran before disappearing as she turned the corner. "Sasha, please! Stop!" I sprinted after her whilst rounding the same corner she had, only to be met with a hard padded chest. "Oof!" I stumbled backwards, nearly losing balance until a muscular arm slid around my waist catching me before I could make any collateral damage.

"Boy, you're real clumsy aren't you?" I heard a deep chuckle from above me and I slowly craned my neck, gazing up to see who the voice belonged to. Of course it had to be him. Cleo's smiled down at me with his pearly whites full on display. For a second, my heart stopped, taking in the perfection of this god like figure in front of me. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad falling in love with him.. Wait! what was I thinking? I was enchanted by his spell and I couldn't get enough. What was I really thinking trying to push us away?

My eyes began to scan every inch of his body, but I was rudely interrupted by a loud obnoxious cough. I quickly gazed back to meet his eyes, my cheeks as red as a tomato.

"If you wanted to see me naked, our room is just down the hall." He smirked down at me before cupping my warm cheeks, forcing me to look into his eyes, the cocky attitude plastered against his features was evident. I sighed, having no choice but to stare into his captivating green eyes. I soon found myself getting lost in them, mesmerized even.

"There's something I need to do before I leave tomorrow, and I'm afraid I'll never get the chance." He mumbled whilst running his thumb over my mocha skin. I shook my head, thoroughly confused.

"What is it?"

And it was at that moment, I felt his lips brush against mine. My breath hitched in my throat for the second time that week, our noses grazing against one another as his eyes gazed into mine so intently, so full of tenderness...and love, that even I, found it hard to pull away. I gently felt my lids closing, as did his, and with that our lips slowly connected moulding as one. The kiss was full of passion and intimacy, that I'd never felt with any other man in my entire life span. He made me feel things I'd only thought existed in americanized movies, and television. Our heartbeats accelerated and synced as one as did our lips. His hands moved from cupping my face, to slither his arms around my tiny waist, tugging my frame even closer to his much larger one.

It was perfect. He was perfect. All until we were interrupted by a roaring cough.

Oh, shit.


A:N: Who do you all think it is? Comment, Comment, Comment! XO


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