Sealed With A Kiss

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Prince Cleo's POV

An entire day had elapsed since the supposed fall out of Syd'nee and I. She continued to do her day-to-day errands, but the only thing that was different was that she was trying her best to avoid me. If she turned a corner and spotted me, she'd do her part in pretending I didn't exist, which surprisingly hurt me more than words could describe. The worst part of it all, was that I didn't even know what I'd done wrong. Was it so bad to want to see her living a life that wasn't suffused with scrubbing the sludge and manure from the crevices of people's toes?

Why are woman confusing as hell?

"And with that, I adjourn this meeting. The week is nearly over, and I know some of you will be flying out at contrasting times, so I bid you all a safe journey back to your rightful countries, and I thank you all for coming to Ghana on such short notice." A'yo's authentic voice was laced with what only I could tell was false prosperity. I cleared my throat without impolite intention, but managed to catch his dark, harrowing gaze for a millisecond as he stood at the head of the expanded snuff-colored table, gazing thoroughly at each and every one of the representatives of a foreign country myself included, having been the Prince of Hampstead. The meeting was now officially over, and I watched as every Ambassador, Prince, King and Queen of various countries assembled from the whale of a room. I stayed seated in my assigned seat near to the back of the room, swiveling from side to side as I surveyed A'yo's posture, from the way his aging fingers grasped the sheaf of papers like it was the key to youthfulness, and the way he'd pause to momentarily scratch at his unkempt beard causing a cringe worthy sound to bounce off the cold decorated walls of the meeting room. I was in awe. How did this man sleep at night knowing how many bloodily covered sheets would have to be slept on by the females, because of him?

"I believe I said the meeting was adjourned?" A'yo's thick Ghanaian accent was heard from the front of the room as it was now just us two left. His back now faced me as his hands busily stuffed the bundles of paper into a copying machine, shaking his head whilst stammering underneath his breath incoherently. His ebony fist suddenly heightened into the air before slamming back down to pound onto the ancient, debilitated machine. "C'mon...Work!" A'yo swore whilst using the tip of his hard-soled-shoe to kick the contraption.

"Need a hand?" My lips quirked in pleasure to witness such profanity, sarcasm and clear amusement laced within my husky voice. 'Oh man, aren't I glad I stayed for the show.' As I began to advance closer to A'yo, I couldn't help but picture the stricken orbs of Sasha reaching out to me for help as A'yo ripped the innocence from her. The look in her eyes was forever imprinted into my skull. Even if I'd managed to save her this time,who knows when A'yo would use these females to his personal advantage again? I also imagined Syd'nee, and if A'yo had ever touched her before; Unwillingly. The muscle in my jaw instantaneously clenched as did my fists as they were now balled inside of my denim pockets. 'Don't hit this prick, Cleo. You're better than that.' 'Don't hit him.' 'Don't hit.' 'Don't.' I chanted repeatedly in my head as he turned around upon hearing me approach, the copying machine still not in service. "Your hand? Never. What are you still doing here? Don't tell me you have distasteful aim and you're an incompetent idiot? Oh, this is too good to be true. Why the hell did they anoint you as prince? Do you not have a brother, or possibly sister? I would enjoy her company quite well, I'm sure. You should send her along instead next time I need a royal representative to come to Ghana. "

That was all it took. I was livid.

"You son of a bit**!" I roared whilst clasping his collar roughly, shoving him back into the impenetrable wall with such force that suddenly caused the copying machine to flicker to life, the papers A'yo had shoved inside it earlier, now flying out like saucers one by one at a rapid speed. Maybe all it needed was a little push. "Don't you dare talk about my sister, you sick pervert! There's something you need to learn about me A'yo and you need to learn it fast. I'm not your bit**, and you don't own me like you do with most of the people living in this castle. You wanna know what that means?" I spat each word out like poisonous venom to which he remained silent, swallowing down his saliva thickly whilst his mouth opened and then shut. He was speechless. Good. "It means, that I'm not afraid to kick your arse. I can put my pride aside for a second if that's what you'd, like? We can go right now!" My voice heightened in volume, and for a split second I'd forgotten what I was. Who I was.

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