Times Have Changed

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  • Dedikeret til Aranya

Syd'nee's P.O.V.

The fact that my mother, Amoria, had sought out for me to dwell in the largest city of Ghana was infuriating. Sure, I had never travelled such extent in my own country, but I had better things to do rather than stay weeks -even months- on end with the legendary King of Accra. I released a small sigh knowing that he was our only sufficient trading partner for the town we resided in and our family's wealth was disintegrating. Fast. This was something I needed to do.

My mother was just like her name --beautiful. Her skin wasn't as dark as mine, as it had lost it's richness over the years, but it had a well formed milk chocolate tone, which was admired wherever she went. Her hair was lustrous and crimped, as her eyes were the brownest I'd seen-- almost resembling a rare hazel, and to me she corresponded an African Queen even in her slumping age. She'd always provide and try to make ends meet when our money was never satisfactory, and since Papa died it had become more frequent. The King had came to my mother, when he realized that we were in desperate need of money, proposing that I could come work for him in the Palace, but she had graciously said no. I, being the eldest child of nine, knew she couldn't make up the money to feed and care for us on her own, so I decided to go to King A'yo on my own accord --never expecting what was to come.


Cleo's P.O.V

"This is bull ..." My thundering voice had bounced off the walls of the consultation room, resulting in a series of gasps, and grumbles of disapproval. "Cleo-" A sympathetic hand had managed it's way onto my broad shoulder, causing an involuntary gnarl to spew from my lips. "Don't Cleo me." I was upset --no, fuming that out of all Prince's in the World, it was I who was so fortunate to get the opportunity to travel to Accra, Ghana. Yeah, No. No way in Hell. "Cleo, dear.." Malisha, my mother and Queen Malisha of Hampstead replied, " this is no way the future King of Hampstead is suppose to act."

"Mom, Dad has been dead for a couple of months and they want me to go run royal errand and I'm not even suppose to be King until my twenty first birthday! "

"It's only in a couple of months, Cleo," my mom responded.

There was no way in hell that this was happening. I wasn't ready to take on my father's role, not yet. He never taught me a single thing, yet here I am being the one who is suppose to go to Accra to make a treaty with a country who hate ours. Her emerald eyes met mine in a scolding matter, causing me to release an agitated sigh, knowing I was never going to win this battle. I weaved a hand through my golden blonde hair, tugging at the roots in an attempt to calm myself. I guess I should start packing.

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