Homecoming Queen Pt. 2

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Dorcie's POV

I couldn't believe it. I'd actually, finally told someone after 8 years of isolation and suppression. 8 years of hibernating and hiding myself from the public eye. Of course, I had heaps of money, and diamonds... I had expensive designer clothes, and lustrous foriegn cars that were envied and oogled at everywhere I travelled. I had almost all that a woman of my age could ever want.

All accept love.

I had given birth to three children, all girls by the name of Sharonia-Amandine, Shawhna-Kayleen and Sasha-Kimberly. From what I could remember, all three of my girls were gorgeous before I left them in the hostile care of their Father Ayonso- or known as the devil's advoacte, King A'yo. I scoffed, remembering the hideous and sinful face of the man I once loved- or thought I loved. He was the exact same monster that I'd remembered him being.

Well, ever since I'd given birth to my last child, of course.

For some unexplainable, baffling reason, Ayonso had never believed Sasha was his child. All three of my children had beautiful, honey curls in their in head that spiraled into their baby faces like a delicate flower that was due to blossom, dark green eyes that they'd inherited in the genes from my own Mother- which whom none of them had ever gotten the chance to meet. He hadn't allowed it.  It had hurt me, that as soon as Sasha was born he'd disowned only her but took the other two into his arms, wholeheartedly. Nothing hurt more, but the fact that I eventually had to come head to head with, was that he might've been actually...right.   I swallowed thickly, quickly reverting out of my thoughts, denial and shame suddenly sweeping over me like a tidal wave.

Sasha had a different daddy.

"Hello?... Dorice? Did you hear what I just said?" I blinked twice, frowning at Syd'nee who's hands were waving and snapping in my face. I sucked my teeth, inching back a bit on the leather love seat to rest my back, and my thoughts.

"I'm here, hon..." I mumbled, bringing my index finger to rub solemnly at my temples. I'm always here.  Syd'nee got up from the stool near my feet to sit beside me on the arm of the loveseat, a tall glass of water held in her hand as she slowly handed it to me. Huh, when in the hell did she get up? Oh, I must really be out of it. 

Syd'nee's POV

I smoothly wrapped my arm around the base of Dorcie's lean shoulder as she took the glass from me, confusion laced into her hazel orbs. Poor thing. She still hadn't told me the entire story of why she'd abandoned her three children and left the luxurious life of a being a Queen behind, but I'd come back to my senses now, and I knew better than to press on the matter at this time. I grounded my teeth softly, something nipping me in the back of my neck repeatedly, something that I was dying to know.

"Dorcie," I started, nervousness beginning to seep in. She hummed below me, the rim of the glass lingering on her lips as she eyed the water filled into the glass, clearly consumed in some more thoughts. My orbs scanned around the dimly lit living room, as the sun had begun to set over the horizon that we had the front row seats to. I sucked in a solid breath.

"Why don't you... y'know, go back and reunite with your children?" I felt Dorcie tense around my tiny arm as she slowly pulled herself back to gaze up at me, her once beautiful hazel orbs now glistening with tears and unintended hatred. "Don't you THINK I WANT TO SEE MY OWN DAMN DAUGHTERS? HUH? DON'T YOU THINK IF I COULD GO, I WOULD?! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU TAKE ME FOR SYD'NEE, SOME SORT OF DEADBEAT MOTHER WHO NEVER TRIES AT LEAST ONCE  A WEEK TO GET IN CONTACT WITH THEM?! EVERY SINGLE DAY I PRAY THAT ONE DAY MY DOORBELL WILL RING AND IT WILL BE MY GIRLS AT THE DOOR TELLING ME THAT THEY NEVER BELIEVED I WAS DEAD, AND THAT THEY'VE BEEN SEARCHING! BUT IT WILL NEVER. HAPPEN. EVER!" My jaw remained slacked as I listen to the woman in front of me shriek with rage, her body shaking violently with each syllable that flew from her cracked brims.    I dodged the spit that came flying towards my forehead, whilst shooting her a quick glare of my own, backing away from her quickly. "You don't have to scream, Dorcie!" I tried to console, but all she did was flip me off before holding her face into her hands. "Oh, go chuck off somewhere, Syd'nee! You don't know how it feels! Nobody does!"

What a bitch. 

"Alright, I've had it!" I all so suddenly pointed an accusing finger down at Dorcie, who still had her head held in her palms.

"You claim to be so in love with your daughters and claim to miss them, and claim that you try at least ONCE a week to get into contact with them, but if you were REALLY trying you would've known that Sasha gets raped by King A'yo at LEAST ONCE. A. WEEK  in the slave quarters where she sleeps, beside me and all the other female slaves! You don't give a shit about her at all, Dorcie! What kind of Mother just sits on her ass all day, getting pillows fluffed for her by the hour, and gourmet meals prepared by only the finest chefs in Accra while knowing that her own flesh and blood sleeps without a pillow at night, and eats out of an unsanitary bowl once a day?! Me Nyame Ei! "(Ghanaian Twi for Oh My God!)

At that I rushed out of the living room, clenching my fists to my side tightly whilst scampering out the front door not bothering to shut the door behind me. I needed out. All my life I've done nothing but drag people and be involved in other people's problems and I was beginning to get sick of it. I needed peace. I needed freedom.

I needed Cleo.

And I knew exactly where I was headed next.


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