.Chapter 8.

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Rose opens the door to the TARDIS and she steps outside to the square by her apartment building

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Rose opens the door to the TARDIS and she steps outside to the square by her apartment building. Elizabeth and The Doctor follow Rose outside and the two lean up against the blue police box. Rose was taking the time to take her surroundings in, even though it was the same place she grew up at it was still strange to understand what she saw happened.

"How long have we been gone?" Elizabeth asked.

The Doctor smirks at her and Rose, "About 12 hours."

Rose starts to laugh as she is astonished that she had traveled time. Elizabeth was still stunned she met the famous Charles Dickens being the book nerd she is. Though, seeing Earth explode, meeting Charles Dickens was way cooler.

"Oh! Right, I won't be long. I just want to see my mum." Rose said. "What are you going to tell her?" The Doctor asked as Rose began to walk towards her building.

"I don' t know," She answered. "I've been to the year five billion and only been gone, what, 12 hours? No, I'll just tell her I spent the night at Elizabeth's."

Elizabeth groans as she pushes off the TARDIS to follow Rose. "Rose, I swear she won't believe you."

The Doctor chuckles as he watches the two girls walk away. "Oh!" Lizzie exclaims. "Don't you disappear!" She waves her finger at The Doctor. The Doctor smiled and nodded.

Rose and Elizabeth run up the stairs rushing to see the famous Jackie Tyler. Down below, The Doctor was looking around the square. He kicks a plastic bottle and the suddenly something catches his eyes.

He approaches a metal pole that had a paper half way taped to it. It was flowing through the breeze but The Doctor could see it as clear as day. It was a missing person poster.

A missing poster for Rose Tyler.

Rose and Elizabeth enter the Tyler apartment and Rose announced their return.

"I'm back! Sorry, I was just helping Liz with a problem." Rose said, walking into the sitting room. Elizabeth follows her behind and the find Jackie Tyler in her pink pastel robe holding a cup of tea.

"So, what's been going on? How you've been?" Rose asked her mother. Jackie looked at the two of them with wide eyes. Elizabeth looked at her confused, as she just stared at the two girl not answering any of Rose's questions.

"What? What's that face for? It's not the first time I stayed out all night," Rose told her mother, who was still staring at them as if they've been resurrected.

Jackie drops her mug full of tea and it shatters everywhere, tea splashing all over the floor.

"It's you." Jackie whispered in disbelief. "Course it's me." Rose replied.

Elizabeth was so confused on the situation and she then spots a big pile of paper stacked on their table. She inches closer to investigate the paper and too her surprise it was the same missing poster of Rose the Doctor had seen.

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