.Chapter 15.

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"See you, then

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"See you, then. My alien boy," She sobbed. "It wasn't your fault. 'Member that, right? I'm glad I met ya, you goon."

Elizabeth turns around and faces the rolling robot.


She didn't know what happened or how she was transported. But whatever she was on was so soft, she felt like she was floating in the clouds.

The brunette's eyes fluttered open and she let out a small whimper in pain. Her head felt like it was burning and it was being repeatedly hit by a baseball bat. Once her thoughts realigned, panic settled into her throat. Where her limbs still intact?

She didn't kn-

Wait, they are. Her fingers moved.

The green eyes surveyed the surroundings and they are met with a dark room. A dark room that wasn't her room. Where-?

"Hey, you're awake," A voice came from the doorway, interrupting her panic.

Elizabeth flinched and her eyes focused on the body and she was surprised to see The Doctor. She looked at him strangely and only because his usual leather jacket was not on his body. He was wearing a black shirt only and his normal jeans. "What?" He asks, noticing her face of confusion.


"Oh! Lizzie, you know I'm not gonna wear it in my room, right?" He chuckles softly and enters the room. The room seemed to brighten as he entered and to Elizabeth's surprise; there wasn't any lamps. She looked up to the ceiling and was met with another surprise. Stars littered the scene creating the magical galaxy. It was also rotating slowly and gave the point of view of someone floating in space.

The girl assumed the TARDIS was responsible for illuminating the room with a soft yellow glow. The bed was pushed up against the wall and adjacent to it was a large wooden bookcase filled to the brim of books. Some were in piles on the floor next to it and on the nightstand to the right of her. A second wooden door directly across from the bed was slightly ajar. The Doctor had entered this room moments before and Elizabeth inferred it was a wardrobe/bathroom.

"Doctor? Where are you?" Elizabeth sits up slowly. She winces as her head throbs and her vision went fuzzy. "In here," He answers.

The alien then walks out of the room and rushes to her side. "Easy there," He mumbles and helps her sit up against the headboard. "Have some of this."

The Doctor hands her a glass that had a purple liquid in it. "Is this gonna taste like grape, cause I don't like grape flavored things," Elizabeth winces. The Doctor rolls his eyes and pushes the lip of the cup to her mouth. "No, this is for hydration and has some medicine to ease your pain."

"Could've gave me some advil to kickback," She mumbles.

The Doctor rolls his eyes once more and nearly forcefully pours the liquid into her mouth. It tasted of blood oranges and blueberries. Her pain was gone instantaneous but the dizzy spell seemed to linger.

The Scarlet Witch||Doctor Who||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن