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Is mental health disorder serious, but undiagnosed medical condition, even though diagnostic tests show there is nothing wrong with them. Hypochondriacs experience extreme anxiety from the bodily responses.


It usually starts in early adulthood and it shows up trough an illness of after they've lost someone. Hypochondriacs a co-existing psychiatric disorder, as panic disorder, ocd and major depression. Symptoms are vary,depending on factors such as stress, age and whether the person is already an extreme worrier.


Fear that anything from a runny nose to a gurgle in their gut is the serious illness.

Making frequent visits to their doctors.

Conversely, avoiding the doctor due to fear that the doctor will find they have a dreaded disease  or serious illness.

Talking excessively about their health.

Spending a lot of time online, searching their symptoms.

May focus on just one thing on thing: certain disease example: cancer or certain body part eg the lungs if they cough.

Avoiding people or places they fear may cause them to get sick.

And more than 2000,000  diagnosed each, year.


Self help for hypochondria:

•Learning stress management relaxation techniques

•Focussing on outside activities such as, hobby you enjoy or volunteer work you feel passionate about.

•avoid alcohol and recreational drugs, which can increase anxiety.

•working to recognise the physical signs you experience are not a symptom of something ominous, but are normal bodily sensations.

•setting up schedule for the appointments your primary care doctor to discuss your health concerns.

•cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is very helpful for reducing patient fears. This therapy type, the person learns to regonize and understand the false beliefs that set off their anxiety.


There's not exact cause, people with illness anxiety are more likely to have family member  who is also hypochondriac. So this shows it's genetic.

This was new even to me, so  i don't  judge if you're not heard never of this, too. But  as I like those research I'll do in my recreational time too and hope you like it.  :)))

Today lesson ✨✨

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