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Whats means?

Adrenaline makes your heart beat faster, and your lungs breathe more efficiently. It causes the blood vessels to send more blood to the brain and muscles, increases your blood pressure, makes your brain more alert, and raises sugar levels in the blood to give you energy. Your pupils grow larger, and you sweat.

When you have a lot of adrenaline in your blood, you don’t feel as much pain, so you can keep running or fighting, even if you are injured. It makes you stronger and allows you to perform better.

The body also produces a similar chemical called  noradrenaline
(or norepinephrine). It is made in the nervous system and released into the blood continuously. Unlike adrenaline, which affects several parts of the body, noradrenaline’s main role is to control blood pressure.

Adrenaline is also  a hormone thar helps you react very quickly if you are faced with an exciting, stressful, or dangerous situation. This is also known as the flight, fight mode " response. In this case, the brain sends messages to your adrenal glands

* located just above the kidneys* Start to release the hormone into the blood.
You will feel the effects of the adrenaline within 2 or 3 minutes.

Adrenaline is also a medication used to treat a severy allergic reaction  (anaphylaxis) in an emergency. It may also be used  during cardiac arrest, croup, and asthma when other treatments are not effective.

When the situation becomes calmer, the glands stop producing adrenaline. You might still feel the effects of it thought, for up to 1 hour.


Exercise, healthy diet, limit caffeine and alcohol

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