Dyslexia (DLA)

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It's learning difficulty which means caused problems certain abilities for used learning , reading and writing unlike learning disability but nothing to do  with intelligence

It's estimated up to 1 in every 10 to twenty people in the UK

Dyslexia is lifelong problem can present challenges on daily basis, support is available to improve reading and writing skills.

What are the sings of dyslexia?

Sings  usually come apparent a child start school begins to focus on learning how to read and write

A person with dyslexia may:

- read and write

-very slowly confuse the other order of letters in words

-put letters the wrong way round such as writing  "b" instead of  "d"

-have poor or inconsistent spelling

-understand information when told verbally, but have difficulty with information that's written down

-find it hard to carry out sequence of directions

-struggle with planning and organisation

People with dyslexia  often have good skills other areas such as creative thinking and problem solving.

Today lesson hope have a good day!✨✨

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