"I'm going to be so late." Lavender panicked. She hated being late because it gave her big anxiety. She hated entering a class to see that everyone is already there and staring right at her. It made her feel self-conscious.

When lavender started running down the stairs Orion gave her one stern comment that halted her movement "Stop, I'll drop you to your dance class." He sighed. He'll just have to ask questions on his way there.

Lavender squeals and gives him a hug before continuing down the stares in a more decent pace.

They got to the car and Orion asked her for directions. Apparently it was near to his training ground. Literally adjacent to the building.

"Am I allowed to go up there?" Orion asks when the pull up to a parking area.

"I'm not s-sure." Lavender mumbles. She does know, it is allowed but she didn't want him to be there because it might distract her focus.

Orion gazes intently on her face before sighing. "Fine. I'll be here when you finish." He wasn't mad, no, but he didn't like her lying to him.

Lavender knew he was upset but she had to go. So she pulled him in for a hug and whispers, "I'm sorry." Before giving him a peck on the cheek and scrambling out the car.

She was too good for her own good.

Orion got out of the car and walked towards the 'MADEWELL' gym. He walked in and went towards the back door which held another back door with a punch lock.

He then walked in to see the guys training with Marco, his uncle.

"Sup dude! I thought you weren't in today?" Said Jett surprised to see him here.

"Yeah weren't you supposed to be with that girl?" Chase asked confused.

"That girl has a name." Orion glared while walking to the middle ground. "Jett here now."

"Wh-what? Why me?"

"Because I said so." Clearly irritated.

"You never train with me! I mean I don't have a problem I'm just not expecting it and I'm already so worn out with trainin-"

"Just shut up and go before he actually loses his shit and it wouldn't be a training sesh." Zander commented.

Jett slowly walked towards the ring, "it's just a training sesh you got this." He whispers lowly to himself.

Orion was tired of waiting and as soon as Jett stepped foot on the mat Orion punched him in the face, not hard enough to knock him out or leave a bruise but enough force for him to fall down in pain.

"Aaaaaghhhhh!!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR." Jett groaned in pain while glaring at Orion.

"Nothing, I just wanted to thank you for taking care of my girl."

"And you couldn't have just said THANK YOU!! Aghhhh" The other boys chuckled at their friends expense and Chase passed him an ice bag.

The guy just shrugged and asked Marco to give him the lifts.


Orion walked to Lavenders studio class because it was time and she was the only one who didn't walk out yet. He was about to open the door when he looked through the window and saw his beauty standing gracefully in the middle of the dance room alone.

He was confused and was about to enter to see what's going on when he heard the music playing and Lavender beginning to move her body. Orion asked all the questions in the car with Lavender earlier, it intrigued him to no ends to see her talk to passionately about something she loved.

"I-I don't know.. dance to me is an escape. It helps me understand other people, It teaches me empathy and intuition, most i-importantly it makes me feel sane. It's like someone throws me a lifeline and I grab on to it and I take my pain, my hurt and I make something beautiful." She spoke quietly her tone light and sad. Before she looks at him.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to-." She laughs awkwardly with his silence.

Orion didn't know what to say, his heart felt the pain of her voice but he didn't know how to tell her that he understood. He always will so he reached out to grab her tiny palm and gave it a little squeeze. "You are simply amazing you know that?"

Lavender giggles and held his hands even tighter.

Orion watched as her body moved with the slow beat of the along with the lyrics. Twirling and flipping like an effortless angel. Orion knew she'll be trouble from the moment he saw her but he didn't know she'd have an affect on him in such a short period of time. He watched her finish her dance with an undemanding split.

Lavender was trying to catch her breath with her eyes closed. But when she slowly flutters them open and looked at herself in the mirror... she saw him—standing there his face full of admiration.

She quickly stood up startled, "O-Orion? What are you doing here?" She spoke shyly. No one a part from her parents, Martha, a few dance students and her dance teacher of course has seen her dance so... yes, even tho Lavender loved dancing with her whole heart, she was embarrassed.

"I'm here to pick up my gorgeously talented best friend. Have you seen her?" Orion scrunched his brow together while tilting his head, in a mock of confusion.

Lavender gives him a priceless smile before running up to him which obviously led to Orion lifting her up. He looked into her eyes before saying "you're absolutely beautiful and talented you know that?" He then touched his nose with her cute little ones, giving her an Eskimo kiss.

Lavenders light giggles and flushed face seems like it meant everything to him.

"O-Orion." She whispers so close to his face.


"I'm sweaty." She pouted while trying to detach herself. Orion ignores her and spins her around with his grip still tight.

"And I don't care."

"AWWWWWWWW!!! Guysss look at Orion being all cute and shit for the first ti- where's my phone?! Chase SNAP A PIC QUICK!!" Said a voice so hard to miss.

Lavender and Orion both turned towards the door, where the sound came from, and saw all his friends huddled up at the door with their phones out and Jett with the biggest grin on his face, until he met Orion's glare to which he backed up slowly pulling the guys along.


Thank you for reading!!

There will be grammatical mistakes so feel free to point that out

So about this chapter being kind of messy

Your feedback these past weeks is absolutely phenomenal. I can't thank you enough! It actually motivates me and make me write more often.

Thank you. And thank you for 2k!!

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