Meeting daddy

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I woke up to something you should not wake up to.The biulding old and abonendend missing floor boards and dusty windows.My head throbbing uncontrolably.A voice broke through the silence,it's every word dripping darkness.

"We meet again,I just wish is was under better circumstances,but I will take any moment i can grasp." He paused and sighed then continued."Ahh father and son united finally,You have no idee how much of an effort it was to trace you down,Your mother did her job well enough
But i always succeed,A shame she can't see our unification."Like kindle to a fire his words sparked the rage inside of me that i always  tried to contain but I did't try to stop it to suppress it I  set it free instead and power radiated off me in waves.Tendrils of darkness seem to cling to my skin like glue,darkness diming my fears feading off it.This power felt so good but also terrible.It feels wrong.Falling to my knees I set my Gaze upon A broken shard of glass and saw that my usaul see green eyes glowed like embers.

"Your tranformation is complete now your just like me no going back"his smile like a razor blade.

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