Frightened Spiders

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   Chapter 32

   Cassandra held out her hand to Alois and led him and his butler to another room as Ciel, Eva and the immortal males followed closely behind while everyone else left to eat lunch. Once the door was closed she strode to the center of what looked to be a large ballroom. She summoned cushioned chairs for everyone but Claude and Alois who she instructed to stand directly in the center of the room. The others sat down as Cassandra began to speak,
   "Now, stand right there in the center."
   She cut off the bottoms of her pants with her claws about three inches down her thighs and burned the fabric in her hands. She looked in a mirror that rested against the wall with an impressed expression as she turned left and right,
   "Huh, you know I think I like this better."
   She shrugged in the groups direction, earning a few smirks and hungry gazes while undertaker giggled, before turning back to Alois and Claude.
   "Now remember, Claude. This will be me, it's not an illusion in the slightest and will be real. Very real. Alois, I will not physically touch you unless you touch me first, but no harm will come to ether one of you. Understood?"
   They nodded in her direction, earning a smile as she popped her neck and fingers, preparing herself for the change. The surroundings of the room darkened so it appeared that the three in the center were the only ones present. She slowly stretched her arms upwards towards the ceiling as her limbs lengthened and thinned out.
   Her body's supple form receded and became thin and lanky all the way up to her neck where her face became sunken in and almost hollow, increasing her height by about a foot. She suddenly dropped on all fours with her knees bent past her rib cage, her fingers and nails lengthened as her spine protruded from her back slightly.
   Her hair remained long and pitch black as her eyes sunk into her skull, highlighting the widened eye sockets that grew in size to accommodate the large, white and grey orbs that replaced her pale blue-green eyes. Her plump lips drew back to nothing, turning the edges of her mouth black as her cheeks ripped open all the way to her pointed ears, bleeding A dark red down her jaw and revealing the large pointed teeth as her bottom jaw seemed to unhinge with a snarling hiss.
   Her long black forked tongue stretched from between her teeth towards the two terrified beings in front of her. Even Claude's eyes were wide with terror and stepped back as he shook his head,
   "T-that's impossible."
   Alois just stared at her with wide eyes, his heart beat thumping erratically in his chest as he stepped backwards. She began to circle around the two gracefully, black saliva dripped down her jaw from between her teeth and mixed with the blood. Her lifeless grey and white eyes shifted to Sebastian for a moment and his wide eyed gaze relaxed, as a smirk graced his features. He was suddenly stood behind the spider demon, watching the woman turned Wendigo as her gaze pierced into the icy blue eyes of the young earl before her. She paused briefly, glaring at them before lunging forward with a blood curdling, screeching roar.
   Sebastian immediately grabbed hold of Claude as the blond earl released a high pitched and frantic scream falling backwards. Cassandra landed, crouching over the little earls torso with her hands and feet on ether side of his arms and legs, still not touching him. He stared up at the horrific visage before his eyes rolled back in his head and he fainted.
   She released a slight hissing snicker then turned to the struggling spider demon who froze at her menacing stare as she moved off of the earl and towards him. She nodded to her mate subtly and Sebastian released him to return to his seat as Claude's eyes searched her face, only to find a menacing expression that froze the usually stoic butlers blood. He backed away from her slowly as she approached and muttered,
   "That's impossible. There is no way..."
   He trailed off with a horrified expression as she released another roar and jumped at him, knocking him to the floor with her hands and feet on his torso. She hissed at him and licked the side of his jaw as he turned his face away from her. She snickered softly before climbing off of him and standing at her full height, quickly reverting back to her original form.
   Claude looked up at her from where he laid on the floor, breathing heavily before dropping his head back to the floor as applause and whistles were heard from the group. She smirked down at the spider demon and bent at the waist, to whisper so only he could hear.
   "Sorry about that. Just felt like someone needed to put you in your place for once. You're not the only one who can turn into terrifying long legged monsters."
   Cassandra turned to the group and bowed lowly as Undertaker and Alucard laughed hysterically while Eva and Lucifer whistled between their fingers at her performance. Sebastian, Ciel and Samael wore smug grins as everyone applauded her. They all stood when the lights returned and continued their applause as she walked over to Alois to find that he had in fact urinated in his pants. She sighed and turned to the group,
   "Looks like I win."
   She giggled as she bent down to gently pick the boy up from the floor and turned to Claude who stood behind her,
   "If you wish to come with me, you may. But you also have the option of joining my sister in the dining room. I can assure you that he will be safe if you leave him in my care though."
   He scowled at her, narrowing his eyes
   "I will come with you. Though I would prefer if you let me do it."
   She shook her head,
   "I'm the one who did it, it's my job to correct it."
   She turned to the group,
   "You all go eat lunch, I'll be back shortly."
   She strode out the door with Claude while Ciel nodded to Sebastian who followed, directly on her heels. Everyone else went to the dining room, joining in on the conversation with the others and telling about what happened to the little blond earl.
   Once upstairs Cassandra brought Alois to a spare bedroom and into the bathroom, quickly stripping the boy as the tub filled with warm water. She scented the water with a sandalwood soap that immediately created bubbles. As soon as he was undressed, she gently set him in the tub leaning him against the edge as she sat down on her knees with her folded arms resting on the edge of the tub.

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